Mexican cuisine? It’s multicultural by definition (audio)

Gustavo Arellano (the ¡Ask A Mexican! guy and editor of the OC Weekly) says Mexi food is multicultural by definition.

“Beer, bacon-wrapped hot dogs, teriyaki bowls are just a few of the foods that have bounced back and forth across Mexico’s borders, ” he explained to American Public Media’s Splendid Table radio program.

What? Teriyaki bowls are Mexican food? And what’s up with his claim that “now in Southern California, it’s almost as common to be eating a tlayuda (a big, huge Oaxacan tortilla filled with quesillo and black bean paste) as it is burritos or tacos.”

Have you ever eaten a tlayuda? No?

Have you ever heard the name?

Mexican Coke photo by greenplasticamy via Flickr.