Quebec kid pinpoints lost Mayan city because constellations

CSAkidA 15-year-old from Quebec, Canada, has pinpointed the location of a lost Mayan city, and he found it by looking at the stars.

The Independent reports:

A 15-year-old boy believes he has discovered a forgotten Mayan city using satellite photos and Mayan astronomy.

Maya civilization chose the location of its towns and cities according to its star constellations.

Mas…Quebec kid pinpoints lost Mayan city because constellations

Scientists: We’ve decoded more than 80% of Mayan hieroglyphs

maya codexThe meaning of the intricate and striking hieroglyphs of the ancient Mayans have resisted decoding for centuries, but now some scientists claim the secrets will soon be revealed.

Ancient Origins reports:

For hundreds of years, linguists have been trying to decode the ancient hieroglyphic script of the Mayans, left behind on monument carvings, painted pottery, and drawn in handmade bark-paper books.

Mas…Scientists: We’ve decoded more than 80% of Mayan hieroglyphs

Massive ancient Mayan cities found deep in Mexican jungle

junglecityArcheologists have re-discovered two ancient Mayan cities deep in the Yucatan jungle — massive cities with plazas, buildings and pyramids, some over six stories high.

One spectacular find was a monster mouth portal carved with a stylized earth monster eye and fangs along the doorway jamb (photo.)

The cities, Lagunita and Tamchen, flourished in what is called the Late and Terminal Classic periods (600-1000 A.D.).

Discovery News has the story:

Mas…Massive ancient Mayan cities found deep in Mexican jungle