UCLA Study: American Latinos live longer than Anglos because blood

stilllifewithskullLatinos age slower — and live longer — than other ethnic groups in America, according to a new study from the University of California, Los Angeles. Why? Their blood ages more slowly.

The Daily Mail reports:

Scientists refer to the phenomenon as the ‘Hispanic paradox’, since Latinos typically have higher rates of diabetes and other life-threatening diseases.

But according to researchers at UCLA, the ethnic group is unequivocally healthier, lives longer than others, and has cells that take much longer to age.

Experts claim the findings, published in the current issue of Genome Biology, could help unlock how to delay slowing for all ethnic groups.

Mas…UCLA Study: American Latinos live longer than Anglos because blood

Gene genie: Mexico is happier than the average bear because science

happymexicanWhy are Mexicans happier than the average bear?

It’s in their genes, according to a new scientific paper, which asserts that nations with the highest prevalence of the A allele also perceive themselves happiest — countries like Ghana and Nigeria in West Africa, and northern Latin American nations like Mexico and Columbia.

Science Daily has the deets:

Mas…Gene genie: Mexico is happier than the average bear because science

Cilantro haters, come out of the closet! You were born this way

Cilantro is a key ingredient in Mexican cooking. The herb flavors Thai and Indian and Middle Eastern food too. But some people just can’t stand it and insist it smells/tastes like soap and looks “green as old vomit.”

You people — it’s OK. You can come out of the comida closet now. You were born this way.

From Nature.com:

A genetic survey of nearly 30,000 people posted to the preprint server arXiv.org this week has identified two genetic variants linked to perception of coriander, the most common of which is in a gene involved in sensing smells. Two unpublished studies also link several other variants in genes involved in taste and smell to the preference.

Mas…Cilantro haters, come out of the closet! You were born this way