LISTEN: All you want for Christmas: ‘Buñuelos a monton’

É Arenas, bass player for Chicano Batman, cooks up some cumbia for Christmas in this new song
Buñuelos a Monton, and he includes all your favorite fiesta Mexmas specialties:

Come mija hay mucho mas
Porque cocinamos muy tradicional
Tamales de elote, de puerco,
De queso, champurrado
Barbacoa y jamon
Con su salsa verde y arroz
Tambien menudo con pata,
Librillo y su tendon
Y buñuelos a monton

Tia Lencha’s Cocina: I Teash You How to Make the Three Kings Bread

Hello! Is Tia Lencha here! Today I teash you to make the Three Kings Bread, ju know, the one with the Baby Jesus in it? Jes, tha one.

I haf many things to celebrate, m’ijo get good grades, he has good healthy, he still helps me put my recipes on the google, and oso, Tia Lencha has a novio. Jes, a new one. Don’t jodge. His name is Axl Rosen. He is a Jewish. He didn’t know what the Three Kings Bread is, so I make for him.

Mas…Tia Lencha’s Cocina: I Teash You How to Make the Three Kings Bread