Hip Hop Hoodíos: ‘Mexican Miller (The Self-Hating Stephen Miller Song)’

Former nice Jewish boy and current White House official Stephen Miller coagulates coordinates Trump’s bloody anti-immigrant message and policies.

This begs the musical question: What would Miller rap about if he were a self-hating Mexican and not a self-hating Jew?

Mas…Hip Hop Hoodíos: ‘Mexican Miller (The Self-Hating Stephen Miller Song)’

He made a new GIF about L.A. every day for a month (video)

Artist James Curran explains the method behind his madness in creating LAGifAThon:

In July I spent a month in Los Angeles where I animated a new GIF every day for 30 days inspired by something that happened during my stay.

See all the looping GIFs on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram with #LAGifathon or follow me to keep up with the next Gifathon, coming soon…