The border is a river and there’s a ‘Ferryman at the Wall’ (video)

Originally proposed as an international peace park with Mexico, Big Bend, Texas has a unique relationship with its southern neighbor. For the past 40 years, Mike Davidson — the Ferryman at the Wall — has been ferrying tourists across the Rio Grande for a little taste of Mexican life. He’d like to keep it that way, but some orange pendejo wants to build a great big border wall to divide the park.

UCLA Study: American Latinos live longer than Anglos because blood

stilllifewithskullLatinos age slower — and live longer — than other ethnic groups in America, according to a new study from the University of California, Los Angeles. Why? Their blood ages more slowly.

The Daily Mail reports:

Scientists refer to the phenomenon as the ‘Hispanic paradox’, since Latinos typically have higher rates of diabetes and other life-threatening diseases.

But according to researchers at UCLA, the ethnic group is unequivocally healthier, lives longer than others, and has cells that take much longer to age.

Experts claim the findings, published in the current issue of Genome Biology, could help unlock how to delay slowing for all ethnic groups.

Mas…UCLA Study: American Latinos live longer than Anglos because blood

Captain America’s to-do list is different in Mexico, UK (photos)

uslistSteve Rogers, AKA Captain America: The Winter Soldier, keeps a list of stuff he needs to check out — stuff he missed during his 70 years asleep. It turns out the list movie goers see on the screen depends on where you see the movie. The American version (photo, top) includes disco, Steve Jobs and Thai food.

The United Kingdom list has the Beatles and the World Cup:

Mas…Captain America’s to-do list is different in Mexico, UK (photos)

How does your state rate in the Mexican restaurant wars?


It’s no secret that Americans love Mexican food — Gustavo ¡Ask A Mexican! Arellano’s book Taco USA celebrated that aspect of the Reconquista last year.

But not all of the United Estates is created equal, and in some areas of the country there is a shocking Mexican restaurant shortage!

ABC/Univision reports:

There are more Mexican restaurants than Italian bistros, Chinese kitchens, chicken rotisseries, or seafood shacks in the US. We’re talking about no less than 38,000 Mexican restaurants dispersed all across the American landscape (as of 2011).

Mas…How does your state rate in the Mexican restaurant wars?