Ramiro Gomez: ‘Silvia waiting for her check’ (toon)

silviawaiting640Artist Ramiro Gomez — whose work aims to make visible the usually-invisible immigrant laborers who keep Los Angeles running — writes:

Painting directly on the magazine is therapeutic for me to express the brief moments in life I see at the end of a long work day in private households.

I ask myself many questions without answers, and let myself feel the weight of what I see. There is definitely anger at the purposeful omission of those who maintain the luxury being sold in the magazine, but an angry protest will only receive an angry response.

I am whispering. Sometimes a quiet image can be louder than words.

Here’s the full version of Silvia waiting for her check (9″ x 11″ acrylic on magazine — click to enlarge):

Mas…Ramiro Gomez: ‘Silvia waiting for her check’ (toon)

SNL’s Amy Poehler champions the rights of domestic workers (video)

Funny former Saturday Night Live comedian Amy Poehler is down for Domestic Workers, and comes clean on something not many in the U.S. will admit:

She could not be the busy actress and mom that she is without her hard-working domestic help.

Poehler’s Public Service Announcement (PSA) is a call to action to petition to California Gov. Jerry Brown get him to sign the California Domestic Worker Bill of Rights. Our moms and tias and abuelas have worked hard for years and deserve humane and equitable treatment afforded to others.

You can support the California Domestic Worker Bill of Rights by calling your state senator and Gov. Brown (916-445-2841) today. To learn mas, please visit www.domesticworkers.org.

Mas…SNL’s Amy Poehler champions the rights of domestic workers (video)