Mas…La Cucaracha: Area man encounters amazing ancient energy bars
Visit Mexico! It’s easy, inexpensive and pleasant! (#TBT 1930s toons)
Crank up your art deco time machine and set it for the 1930s, because Mexican tourism officials want you to come on down!
There are 3 three THREE Mexicos to visit, tu sabes:
- Indian Mexico
- Spanish Mexico and
- Modern Mexico!
Mas…Visit Mexico! It’s easy, inexpensive and pleasant! (#TBT 1930s toons)
Latino Field Studies: Understanding the ‘Lip Purse’ (video)
This short Latino Field Study video examines a culturally-distinctive mannerism many Anglos find confusing – the often hard-to-discern and sometimes confusing Lip Purse mouth gesture.
Know your cultural history? What’s wrong with these pictures?
Ladies and gentlemen, give it up! On vocals, Mountain Chief of the Blackfoot.
Mas…Know your cultural history? What’s wrong with these pictures?
Pocho Ocho new merit badges for Latina Girl Scouts

Latina girls are the key to growth for the Girl Scouts, and the organization needs to shift culturally to accommodate these new scouts.
How do you bring in a new crop of Latina scouts? How about some new Merit Badges?
8. Touting Trenzas.
It may be India María style or Frida Kahlo style, but any good Latina needs to know how to work the hair art. Whether it be one braid or two, a French braid or any other variety.
7. Masa Mashing.
Scouts need to know how to mash masa around between their hands in a variety of ways. Masa mashing can be the cultural equivalent of chopping, the manner in which masa is mashed alluding to unspoken or subtle feelings, including: anger, happiness, interest, nervousness, etc.