The continuing saga of Donald Trump, the Hustler


Trump — as President of the United States — has continued to hustle the American public

In a September essay, I argued that then-presidential candidate Donald J. Trump was hustling the American public. Now, thanks to the support of the FBI’s James Comey,* Russia’s Vladimir Putin and WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange, Trump — as President of the United States — has continued to hustle the American public. Given his mastery, his next book should be titled The Art of the American Hustle.

Mas…The continuing saga of Donald Trump, the Hustler

Hey, Trump! Come down to my barrio and say that again

trumpanzeeOn the first day of class, I always inform my university students that I hold two PhDs — one from a premier research institution, UC Berkeley, and the other from one of the toughest neighborhoods in the country, East Los Angeles’ Ramona Gardens housing project or Big Hazard projects (named after the notorious gang).

While I’ve relied on my research and analytic skills to criticize Donald Trump, as the Republican presidential nominee, I’ve also depended on my street smarts to deconstruct his extremist politics and erratic behavior. While political foes, pundits, cable news anchors and journalists are bewildered by Trump, I grew up with his type: Wannabe tough guy, bully and hustler. To deal with Trump, we must view him through these typologies, among others, such as xenophobe, racist, money-grubber and liar.

Mas…Hey, Trump! Come down to my barrio and say that again