@UPDATED: Screw you, Trump! Esta tierra es mia tambien! (video)

Wednesday my son’s second grade class in Lemon Grove, San Diego County, California put on a “Veteran’s Appreciation Show.” When the kids began with This Land is Your Land in Spanish, I was moved beyond words.

The significance of this happening right after we elected a white supremacist to the highest office in the land was not lost on me.

Seeing these children of all colors singing this song in Spanish brought me to tears.

Toma Trump! This land is for everyone!!

[Private chef Mark Lane grew up in Lemon Grove, home town of POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz. They are still “friends” on Facebook.]


Mark Lane posted this on Facebook this morning….

Mas…@UPDATED: Screw you, Trump! Esta tierra es mia tambien! (video)

White Supremacists: This I.Q. test weeds out the really stupid ones

White supremacists are getting increasingly stupid. When I visited the Stormfront web page (screenshot above) I found it incorrectly displayed in all its “HTML View” glory, proclaiming a twisted worldview of “White Pride World Wide.”

I hope the portly Web Nazi who uploaded his masterpiece realizes that it actually highlights the supremacy of Black HTML Text over a White European background.

And how about the skinheaded dishonorable human discharge in Milwaukee who attacked a Sikh temple? He was so stupid he shot and murdered the peaceful Sikhs because they wore turbans.

Thank Aryan Jesus that our Blonde Lord decreed that his stupid-ass disciple Wade Michael Page was to die in a pool of his own inferior blood. At least those superior genes will not go on.

To weed out the growing idiocy in the White Supremacy movement, we’ve created a very helpful Aryan I.Q. Test that organizations full of morons like the Aryan Nations, The National Association for the Advancement of White People, the Arizona Hammerskins and the Nazi Low Riders can use to cull their members before they do even more stupid crap.

Mas…White Supremacists: This I.Q. test weeds out the really stupid ones