Here’s the winner of our ‘caption this POCHO photo contest’

The response was huge after we posted a snapshot from the notorious American Apparel California Farmer ad that has been decried and debated, and even spoofed by artist Julio Salgado.

This pic is striking, regardless of what you think of it, making it a prime candidate for CAPTION THIS POCHO PHOTO. The judges had to sort through a mound of over 60 entries, many hilarious, some painful, one an accusation of racism, but we finally picked one. It wasn’t easy, but the POCHO Caption Selection Committee selected the caption by the poster known as

Victor Escobedo June 4, 2012 at 4:06 pm

Blonde joke: Look what I just bought from a bag of oranges!

The also muy funny runners up were:

Eastsider Writer June 4, 2012 at 4:41 pm

Anchor Girlfriend

Alejandro Borrero June 4, 2012 at 12:02 pm

Miguel and Mallory terrorize the aisles of Home Depot in Robert Rodriguez’s “Natural Born Killers 2″

Victor Escobedo wins a signed Mexican Mitt Romney poster.  Victor: send us your snail mail address to POCHO and we’ll snail you a poster stat.

Everyone else wins our undying gratitude, and the promise of another contest! Congratulations and felicidades! Stay tuned for our next CAPTION THIS POCHO PHOTO, coming soon!

Here’s the original story with all the entries.