Check It! New Barrio Watch merch from me, POCHO’s Chicano Punk Rock Artesano, Junco Canché
It would be no exaggeration to say that 2020 has been a year that has shaken up our daily routines.
I concluded, for example, that I need to push harder with my art, my job, and my message. That push became real with the creation of my Barrio Watch line.
A satirical take on the “Neighborhood Watch” signs seen during the 80’s and 90’s, the Barrio Watch logo serves as a warning sign to white supremacists, reminding them that our barrios and hoods are keeping an eye on them. In the dawn of the Ku Klux Klan, minorities feared their night raids. Today, the tables have turned.
Mas…Check It! New Barrio Watch merch from me, POCHO’s Chicano Punk Rock Artesano, Junco Canché
Los Lobos: ‘One Time, One Night in America’ (July 4 video, lyrics)
Sometimes homies Los Lobos sound like they are John Cougar Mellencamp’s or Tom Petty’s brothers from another mother. This is one of those times. These all-American stars sing all-American stories, like One Time, One Night in America. Respect.
Mira los lyrics:
Mas…Los Lobos: ‘One Time, One Night in America’ (July 4 video, lyrics)
Espanish 101: ¿Where did we get the word PENDEJO?
You heard it, you said it, you know it.
There’s the Orange Pendejo, first of all, and that pendejo down the block who parks his ranfla like a baboso. Let’s not forget that pendeja on the train with the cheap perfume and those pendejos at the construction site who cat-call every time a mujer walks on by.
But what does PENDEJO mean, exactly? If you’ve ever looked it up, the dictionary says it means “pubic hair,” but how did that turn into “asshat” or “jerkface” or “_______?”
Let’s follow along with University of Texas Río Grande Valley Profe David Bowles: