‘Panama Wash’ detergent gets out the bloodstains (1976 advert)
Ask your doctor if Nature Rx is right for you (video)
Tired, irritable, stressed out? Try Nature! This non-harmful prescription is shown to relieve the crippling symptoms of modern life. Side effects may include confidence, authenticity, and being in a good mood for no apparent reason. Ask the doc fer sure. About Nature Rx.
SPONSORED: Take the worry out of gentrification – with GENTRÍFIA®
Gentrification is TERRIFIC with GENTRÍFIA®!
“I used to worry about gentrification squeezing out local businesses,” says Monica Galvanes of Eagle Rock, a Los Angeles neighborhood in transition. “And then I heard about GENTRÍFIA®. Now I don’t give a shit!”
Her reaction explains the great success of GENTRÍFIA®, according to its manufacturer, STFU PHARMA.
Carlos Robles up in the East Bay is also enthusiastic:
Mas…SPONSORED: Take the worry out of gentrification – with GENTRÍFIA®
Frida Kahlo takes a selfie [photo?]
[Original image from a series by SAMSUNG.]
Sombreros? [X] Burros? [X] Gritos? [X] Del Monte® tours Mexico (video)
The Del Monte® tomatoes travel to Mexico to become pico de gallo but not before the obligatory burros, sombreros y gritos. This begs the question: Where are the cacti and serapes?
Mas…Sombreros? [X] Burros? [X] Gritos? [X] Del Monte® tours Mexico (video)
Latinos y gringos in Buenos Aires? Eat tacos, watch futbol here (video)
Attention assorted Latinos and gringos: Are you stuck in Buenos Aires far away from home when you’d rather be watching the World Cup with your amigos? Come on down to La Fábrica del Taco (LFDT) at either Gorriti 5062 Palermo or Baez 246 Cañitas for comida, cerveza and futbol! Maybe you’ll miss home a little less. [“La Fábrica del Taco,” they write on their SoundCloud page, “es una taqueria bien chingona en Buenos Aires, Argentina. La única y autentica taqueria al sur de la frontera. Invitamos a todos los melo.”]
Does your Argentinan taqueria have a SoundCloud page? The Taco Factory does:
Mas…Latinos y gringos in Buenos Aires? Eat tacos, watch futbol here (video)
And now a generic commercial from some brand (video)
At [insert company name here] we care about the __________, the __________ and the ___________ so you and your family can ____________ and the world _______________.
[Your mileage may vary. This product is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. List each check separately by bank number. Batteries not included. Contents may settle during shipment. Use only as directed. No other warranty expressed or implied. Do not use while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment.
OK tablets are cool, but sometimes you just need paper (video)
Self-consciously cool French dudes sure love their iPads, but sometimes, as the mademoiselles know, one must squeeze Le Charmin, or Le Trefle, as they say in France. D’accord, Monsieur Whipple? Or do we have to mansplain it to you?
- RELATED: Yes, we have another video with a toilet scene: Don Cheto totally does it ‘Puro Gangnam Style’ (video)
Craig Romney’s Spanish ad for dad now with English subtitles (video)
Craig Romney narrated a new Spanish-language advertisement for his dad, GOP nominee wannabe Mitt Romney. Here’s a version with English subtitles/captions for folks who don’t espeak Spanish.
Here’s our translation of an Spanish-language Craig Romney commercial from earlier this year:
Mas…Craig Romney’s Spanish ad for dad now with English subtitles (video)
Here’s the winner of our ‘caption this POCHO photo contest’
The response was huge after we posted a snapshot from the notorious American Apparel California Farmer ad that has been decried and debated, and even spoofed by artist Julio Salgado.
This pic is striking, regardless of what you think of it, making it a prime candidate for CAPTION THIS POCHO PHOTO. The judges had to sort through a mound of over 60 entries, many hilarious, some painful, one an accusation of racism, but we finally picked one. It wasn’t easy, but the POCHO Caption Selection Committee selected the caption by the poster known as
Mas…Here’s the winner of our ‘caption this POCHO photo contest’
Romney’s new Spanish TV ad now available with English subtitles
(PNS reporting from GUACHINGON) As the Mitt Romney works to grow support before the GOP convention, his campaign has reached out to Spanish-espeaking voters with a new ad, Dia Uno. POCHO translated the commercial for voters who don’t habla Español.
Pocho Ñews Service PNS is a wholly-fictitious subsidiary of Pochismo Inc., a California corporation, who is a person according to the Supreme Court. Don’t ask us, we just work here.
Video: The ‘Sheriff Babeu for @MexicanMitt’ TV spot
(PNS reporting from ARIZONA) It’s the commercial the Mexican Mitt Romney campaign didn’t want you to see — an explosive TV endorsement by anti-immigrant Sheriff Paul Babeu calling for the erection of a GAYDAR border fence.
The six-figure TV buy on local stations was cancelled over the weekend after Babeu faced hard questions about how exactly he meant to “get to the bottom” of the Mexican immigrant situation.