Mas…La Cucaracha: In my barrio, gentrification means rentrification
La Cucaracha: We’ve Still Got More Great Moments in Latino History (toons)
Mas…La Cucaracha: We’ve Still Got More Great Moments in Latino History (toons)
In Japan, kids emulate what they think is ‘Chicano Culture’ (video)
There’s a subculture of kids in Japan that wants to be “Chicano”, although they can’t seem to differentiate between gang-banging cholos and your basic, every day Chicano. [Chicano チカーノ is a video by Louis Ellison.]
Mas…In Japan, kids emulate what they think is ‘Chicano Culture’ (video)
Hey Vato! What will it be like for ‘Homies in the Future’? (NSFW video)
Special guest star SIRI gets name-checked as Chuy and Smiley consider what the future will bring in this latest episode of Hey Vato! [NSFW F-bomb.]
And don’t forget to check out Smiley and Chuy’s website where you can buy Hey Vato! t-shirts.
Hey Vato: What’s that smell? Is it the smell of Raiders football? (video)
Hey Vato’s Chuy, Smiley and the poet John Keats return to discuss the meaning of football, the love of Raider Nation and this pinche life in Bless Us Al Davis.
What’s that smell? It’s Lil MoCo and his hyna ‘Skonkas’ (NSFW video)
Lil MoCo loves the hyna hood rats (AKA jainas) so much, he made them a music video! [Totally NSFW language.]
Mas…What’s that smell? It’s Lil MoCo and his hyna ‘Skonkas’ (NSFW video)
Little Moco does PSY’s ‘Gentleman’ cholo style (NSFW video)
PSY‘s Gentleman provides the inspiration as Little Moco and his cholos tear up the town in their quest for hynas and hilarity. (Totally NSFW audio.)
‘Play Hard’ is the David Guetta music video THEY don’t want you to see
David Guetta’s new Play Hard music video featuring Ne-Yo and Akon is just too much for some politically-correct pendejos including Defender of La Raza Perez Hilton. They be all hatin’ on the jainas licking paletas, the celebration of botas picudas, the firme cholos with tats. We say it has a good beat and it’s easy to dance to. WWFD? What Would Frida Do?
Complete ‘Hey Vato!’ NSFW existential angst of Chuy y Smiley (videos)
When we heard one of our favorite Hey Vato! episodes (The Tattoo) would be screening at the San Francisco Frozen Film Festival we knew it was time for a special Sabado Ponchonte Saturday Night Video Festival featuring EVERY episode of our favorite web series, in order, so here they are. Hey Vatos! Orale!
Mas…Complete ‘Hey Vato!’ NSFW existential angst of Chuy y Smiley (videos)
Letter to the Editor: The Ghetto Manifesto by Lady D (NSFW audio)
It came in exactly this way via our handy SUBMIT form. (On the go? There’s a NSFW two-minute audio podcast version we created at the bottom of this article):
This is to every person who wants to get out and break free to be human and not be a fucking stereotype. I call it the Ghetto Manifesto. I was bred from a culture that lives in fear to succeed. We were once the Gods of the Temples- the living legends standing proud on the steps of Tenochtitlan- Now we are on our knees glorifying the filth around us. Our streets are filled with soldiers of ignorance and rage- fighting brother against brother- for what? A piece of land that we don't even own? For the love we did not receive at home? We call out names- spill our hateful rhetoric, beat each other to be let in to an exclusive group of clowns with silly names. Taking family trips in to unknown territories using hurtful toys to shed innocent blood. The family. What a fucking joke.
Mas…Letter to the Editor: The Ghetto Manifesto by Lady D (NSFW audio)
Ñewsweek: Curse like a Mexican, think like a vato, build an arcade

Attention pinche pendejos! Yes, you, culero! What? You don’t know what we’re talking about? Then you need to watch the one-minute video refresher course on How to curse like a Mexican, the biggest story on POCHO this week.
For the link and our other big stories, keep reading below.
Mas…Ñewsweek: Curse like a Mexican, think like a vato, build an arcade