There’s a poop for that! DEUCE schedules your sh!ts (video)
The new DEUCE app is #1 when it comes to scheduling your #2s.
Mas…There’s a poop for that! DEUCE schedules your sh!ts (video)
Charlie Chicken, Canine Artist: A Puerto Rican perro in NYC (video)
He’s only a small town dog from Puerto Rico, scoffers say. But seriously, can Charlie Chicken, Canine Artist, make it in the uber competitive New York artistic scene? Charlie’s creations (his mixed media are poop and urine) are regularly featured all across Brooklyn, the short documentary explains.
Mascot Madness! Brazil’s Mr. Balls, meet India’s Mr. Poo (NSFW video)
This story is not about the shameful racist pro sports team mascots that purport to honor Native Americans. It’s about icky Senhor Testiculo (photo, above left), the mascot of Brazil’s cancer society, who we think has just been “out-grossed” by Mr. Poo (photo, right), who comes to us from UNICEF in India.
Señor Poo is central to a publicity campaign to urge kids in India to Take the Poo to the Loo (instead of taking a dump somewhere in the open.)
Mas…Mascot Madness! Brazil’s Mr. Balls, meet India’s Mr. Poo (NSFW video)
In Madrid, Spain, dog poop steps on you! (video)
Madrid, Spain, had a caca de perro problem, until they started rubbing the dog owners’ faces in it.