Chile officials: UFO/OVNI pics show real UFO/OVNI (photos)

chileufo1Officials at the Chilean government agency in charge of investigating anomalous aerial phenomena have confirmed that photos taken last year at a copper mine in the remote north Andes are definitely photos of an anomalous aerial phenomenon, or Objecto Volante Non Identificado.

The photos show a disc-shaped unidentified flying object with an internal glow, according to the experts, who concluded that the photos were genuine.

Mas…Chile officials: UFO/OVNI pics show real UFO/OVNI (photos)

Are UFO/OVNIs flying into the Popocatepetl volcano AGAIN? (video)

That Popocatepetl OVNI/UFO that wasn’t really there last time is back again, captured over the weekend by the 24/7 PopoCam. This time, the “optical illusion” — or whatever they end up calling it — heads from outer espace PAST the smoldering crater and then hangs a U-TURN before diving into the volcano.


Mas…Are UFO/OVNIs flying into the Popocatepetl volcano AGAIN? (video)

Silver UFO crashes on hillside, retrieved by Chilean military (videos)

It was a silvery object 15 meters (50 feet) across, the witnesses said.

The excellent “Hispanic Ufology” blog Inexplicata reports:

[At]… 15:45 hours, residents of Paihuano, a small village in Valle de Elquí (Chile) underwent an extraordinary experience which keep its 2,500 residents on the edge of their seats. A flying object described as having a metallic color and measuring some 15 meters across remained motionless over the Las Mollacas hill, from which the entire town could be seen.

Mas…Silver UFO crashes on hillside, retrieved by Chilean military (videos)