I gave this Commencement Speech Sunday at Cal Berkeley

laloatcalLalo Alcaraz Commencement Speech
for UC Berkeley’s College of Environmental Design, May 17, 2015

Hello Wurster Hall Class of 2015!

Good evening graduates and long suffering families.


And graduates, it won’t cost you anything: how about the loudest most tremendous cheer for your families?!

Good, NOW this is sounding like the Chicano/Latino graduation! Next year, may I suggest mariachis?

Mas…I gave this Commencement Speech Sunday at Cal Berkeley

Breaking: Napolitano brings harsh border enforcement to UC

napolitano600(PNS reporting from BERKELEY) Department of Homeland Security Secretary (and former Arizona Governor) Janet Napolitano has accepted an offer to head up the University of California system.

Napolitano promised to do the same for the UC system that she did for the border during her time at DHS:

“I kept out and quashed as many Mexicans as any DHS Secretary could during my tenure, and now that Latinos are overtaking whites in California, I promise to do the same at the UC system,” she said in a statement.

Mas…Breaking: Napolitano brings harsh border enforcement to UC