LOLS: Siri talks to Google Voice who talks to Siri who talks to… (video)

A student at Pratt in New York set up a text-to-speech-to-text loop and the results are amazing and funny. We’ll let Michael Silber explain:


  1. I recorded the audio of Siri reading a selection of text.
  2. I placed a call to myself and played the Siri audio recording into my Google Voice voicemail.
  3. I instructed Siri to read the new Google Voice transcription, including any errors, and recorded a new audio clip.
  4. I placed a call to myself and played the new Siri audio recording back into my Google Voice voicemail.

— I repeated these steps for 50 iterations.

Mas…LOLS: Siri talks to Google Voice who talks to Siri who talks to… (video)

¿Qué tal? Leave MR. POCHO a voice mail and tell us wassup

You know MR. POCHO loves you. He loves you all night long!

That’s why he wants you pochos to give him a call and tell him what’s on your mind.

  • Is there some ñews we should cruise?
  • What are you wearing?
  • What’s for lunch?
  • Who juan the debate?
  • Deep dark secret you need to get off your chest?

Call MR. POCHO now and leave an anonymous message. Your number is safe with us.

We’ll use Google Voice to turn your spoken voice mail into text and post it here. Like bits on the Internet, these are the daze of our lives.

Call 408-POCHO-28 now! Robots are standing by! (408) 762-4628

Aha! Our first caller. Let’s see what Google Voice thinks he/she had to say…

Mas…¿Qué tal? Leave MR. POCHO a voice mail and tell us wassup