POCHO’s Subcommandanta del Ñews Sara Inés Calderón (@SaraChicaD on Twitter) demonstrates and analyzes some of the cat-calls she’s been getting from random men. What are these guys up to, anyhow?
I could have been an astrophysicist, except I’m a Latina
Back in October, Florida created a new set of educational policies which permits/expects blacks and Latinos to test lower on standardized tests than whites or Asian students. Since they’re expected to test lower, Florida thereby eliminates the embarassing “achievement gap” and the white education bureaucrats can “stand their ground.”
While we’re at it, why don’t we segregate each classroom per race? We can even have separate bathrooms and drinking fountains per race. Seems legit!
I am actually the product of the Florida school system. This ethnic divide rule reminds me of my first year at the University of Central Florida. Though I had a great high school record and was making straight As, I had to take mandatory seminars teaching me how to do well in school.
Did everyone have to take these courses? Nope. Well, why would a straight-A student have to attend such seminars?
Because I am Latina.
Mas…I could have been an astrophysicist, except I’m a Latina
White guys emergency: We must fight for our rights! (NSFW video)
Attention white guys: Feeling oppressed? Pissed off that the damn gays and women and minorities are getting too much attention and sympathy? You’ve come to the right video! (NSFW language.)
Women beware: You might be guilty of ‘walking with ovaries’

Several years ago, I was driving through the backwoods of central Florida trying to find the home of a distant cousin. Desperately lost, I called my mother, but my abuela answered the phone.
I asked her, “Hey, do you know Annita’s phone number? I’m trying to find her house.”
My grandmother’s response: “Go home. A woman shouldn’t be driving alone.”
I can’t help but feel my grandmother’s Old World values have a residual grasp on modern society — the notion that a woman’s role is in the private sphere, that she should not be out in public.
Often while walking the streets of Manhattan I’m subjected to stares that deem me guilty of a crime: guilty of walking with ovaries.
Mas…Women beware: You might be guilty of ‘walking with ovaries’
Ladies: Is your guy a ‘Macho Man from Taco Land’? (music video)
Ladies: Does this song describe anyone you know? Or shall we ask again after tonight’s big game? Gary P. Nunn is a Texas singer/songwriter with a good eye for detail and a pointed wit.
Girls – no matter how you dress, guys will scope you out

Have you ever noticed, ladies, that no matter how you dress or how you act, men are going to check you out?
Bosses, co-workers, friends, stranger, acquaintances or just plain cochinos, they are going to scope you out as much or as little as your clothing allows? Ugh.
I grew up in the Catholic/Mexican tradition that kind of espoused the idea that, if you’re an object of sexual desire, it’s shameful and it’s your fault and you should feel guilty because you’re sinful. So, guess what started happening when I began to “develop” into a woman?
Mas…Girls – no matter how you dress, guys will scope you out