Anaheim police brutality protest t-shirt fundraiser
Paypal button simplified! Please write in what size Tshirt you want, ie: S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL
I created the above image as a response to the outrageous and murderous police brutality by the Anaheim Police Department recently against two young men in the Anaheim barrio. The families are not only dealing with protesting against the Anaheim PD and City Hall, but also the costs of funerals for these two men, arguably executed by the Anaheim PD.
Anaheim: The Tragic Kingdom (toon)
I drew this cartoon to accompany an article by Gustavo Arellano, Jefe-in-Chief of OC Weekly, about recent events in Anaheim
Florida Burning: Will Trayvon’s ‘killer’ go to jail or get cop job?

(PNS reporting from LA FLORIDA) Local police have reluctantly transferred the investigation of the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin at the White Knights gated community to the State Attorney’s Office.
The state will now determine if George Zimmerman, the Sanford-area neighborhood watch captain accused of killing Martin, will be charged with a crime or simply hired by the Sanford Police Department he wanted so much to join.
According to Sanford police, Zimmerman, a white male and captain of the W.K.N.W., (White Knights Neighborhood Watch,) admitted that he shot and killed Martin because “he looked black.” Due to local racist tradition, police say that’s usually a justifiable homicide in Florida “especially in white gated communities.”
Mas…Florida Burning: Will Trayvon’s ‘killer’ go to jail or get cop job?