Mas…La Cucaracha: Undocumented immigrants not too picky about dinner menu
McDonald’s plans Golden Arches for Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza

Company claims indigenous communities lived on maiz, tortillas and McRibs
(PNS reporting from CHICHEN ITZA) In a fresh effort by McDonald’s to prove that “tamales are a thing of the past,” the U.S. food chain has opened locations at famed Aztec and Mayan sites of Teotihuacan and Chichen Itza, with plans to expand to Guatemala’s Tikal and Peru’s Machu Picchu, according to a spokesperson.
Mas…McDonald’s plans Golden Arches for Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza
Artist Carlos Barberena: Nicaragua to Chicago in Calacavison (toons)
Nicaraguan-born Chicago artist and printmaker Carlos Barberena mixes up traditional calacas and current events. Wall Street, Mickey Mouse, McDonalds, Halliburton, British Petroleum and other icons look better as muertos, don’t you think?
Mas…Artist Carlos Barberena: Nicaragua to Chicago in Calacavison (toons)
Germans do it Inca-style with McDonald’s quinoa veggie burgers (video)
You won’t believe your eyes as quinoa, the miracle food of the Inca, ends up as mispronounced veggie burgers at Mickey D’s in Germany. Incas not included. No kale was exploited in the making of this video.
Or, as they say in Deutschland:
Mas…Germans do it Inca-style with McDonald’s quinoa veggie burgers (video)
McDonalds (Australia) helps you feed your ‘Inner Mexican’ (video)
The “legendary” El Maco at McDonalds in OZ will feed your inner Mexican, as long as he or she wants two all-beef patties, sour cream and “taco sauce.” [Mustache, charro outfit and sombrero not included. Not available at McDonalds stores near any actual Mexicans. Your bigote may vary.]
¿Me encanto?
Mas…McDonalds (Australia) helps you feed your ‘Inner Mexican’ (video)
Tia Lencha’s Cocina: Valentine’s Day Hot Salsa Blind Tasting Test
Hola. Is Tia Lencha here. Happy Valemtines Day!
I haf the perfect parry idea. What is red and espicy and uses a blindfold? Get jur mind out of the basura (thas trash for you pochos.) Is the Valentimes Hot Sauce Taste Test. This is one test that is fun to estudy for!
What is it? Ju put numbers on little paper cups and then little bit of each of jur favorite hot sauces in the little paper cups. Ju can use Tapatio, Cholula, Bufalo, Red Rooster, what ever ju like. Then ju put a handkerchief to cover someone’s eyes and they taste. They try to guess which hot sauce is in each little cup. Fun, no?
Mas…Tia Lencha’s Cocina: Valentine’s Day Hot Salsa Blind Tasting Test
McDonald’s to broke workers: Sell Xmas presents on Craigslist (video)
McDonald’s employees-only website — McResources — has great tips for broke-ass employees trying to make it through the holidays with only their income from shitty minimum-wage jobs:
- You’ll eat less if your break your food into little pieces
- Holiday bills got you down? Sell the Christmas gifts you received on Craigslist!
- You’ll feel less stressed if you sing!
Mas…McDonald’s to broke workers: Sell Xmas presents on Craigslist (video)
Mickey D’s in South Africa has a ‘Mexican burger’ for you (video)
This TV commercial from McDonald’s in South Africa promotes a “Mexican burger” with “fiery jalapeño” hot sauce. Cactuses and sombreros not included. No burros were harmed in the making of this commercial.
Mas…Mickey D’s in South Africa has a ‘Mexican burger’ for you (video)
Ordering ‘comida rápida’ at McDonald’s, Mexican style (video)
It doesn’t make for better or faster food — or healthier — but accordian music sure makes ordering at the McDonald’s drive-through window more fun!
Mas…Ordering ‘comida rápida’ at McDonald’s, Mexican style (video)
Lost in translation? German McDonalds ad for mariachi burgers (video)
McDonalds auf Deutschland sells Los Wochos. Huh? What are wochos? That means El Chili con Carne, Chicken Fiesta, Los Beefos and salsa pikante, you dumbkopf. Ach du leiber!
Mas…Lost in translation? German McDonalds ad for mariachi burgers (video)
S. J. Rivera: My Guantanamo Bay self-deportation book tour

(PNS reporting from LA FLORIDA) Ace Pocho Ñews Service contributor, author and hardcore poet (Demon in the Mirror and Amerikkkan Stories) S. J. Rivera sat down to talk to himself about his Self-Deportation Book Tour and what it’s like to have a book signing at Guantanamo Bay.
PNS: Your new book is AmeriKKKan Stories (Hardcore Poetry) – is it a Klan book or…?
S. J. Rivera: Yes and no. Actually there’s a very true story in there about the time I ran a guy over with my car. His name was Donny and I hit him on purpose because he may or may not have been in the klan(Hi, Donny!) There’s stuff in there about redneck zen, badmouthing the government, pochismo, fat Elvis, EMS horror stories, McDonald’s Nazis – you name it, it’s in there.
Mas…S. J. Rivera: My Guantanamo Bay self-deportation book tour