- Go for it! Actually try that loco New York Times pea guacamole recipe that has been dividing the nation. Worst case scenario, it’s guácala but you can call your mama and brag to her that you ate an entire vegetable. Maybe she’ll make you some real guacamole as a reward!
- Got a fierce sweet tooth? Scandalize everyone by making this dessert guacamole with lots and lots of chocolate!
- Impress your Filipino friends by making this sabroso avocado milkshake with condensed milk. (Tell the metiches that ask you what it is that it’s full of nopales!)
- Just go ahead and throw everything in your ethnic identity in a bowl with this Chorizo-Queso Fresco-Guacamole!!
Mas…No justice, no peas? Eight excellent ways to rock the guac
Watch this Pakistani man make mega tortillas de harina
Actually, they call this flatbread “roti” or “chapati” in Pakistan and India but they’re all tortillas to me. Note: Totally tubular comal!
[Guest Editorial] Let’s face it, Morrissey was bad for Egypt
Morrissey was neither qualified nor cholafied to run Egypt. Totally in the Nile.
Srsly. “By order of the Prophet,” he banned that boogie sound. WTF?
Muslim Brotherhood, my peckerwood! If the rebels get re-Tweeted, the tyrant is defeated.
In ancient Africa, the pharoahs and pharoahitas communicated with Sirius the Dog Star — long before the white devils barked at the Moon. Nubians found the Monolith, and we were nubies no more.
Mas…[Guest Editorial] Let’s face it, Morrissey was bad for Egypt
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX): Beware of the Mexi-Muslim threat
(PNS reporting from WASHINGTON, D.C.) Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) warned Wednesday that “radical Islamists” are being “trained to act like Hispanic[s]” and cross the U.S.-Mexico border.
“We know Al Qaeda, which has changed its name to Al Pastor, has camps with the drug cartels over there on the other side of the Mexican border,” he warned on C-SPAN.
“Arabs are now being trained to come in and act like Hispanics instead of radical Islamists. They teach them to say ‘homeboy’ instead of ‘habibi,’ they show them how to watch ‘telenovelas’ instead of Bin Laden videos. It’s pure evil!”
Mas…Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX): Beware of the Mexi-Muslim threat