Canadian First Nations DJ Crew A Tribe Called Red mixes up traditional sounds with future sonics and they want you to use this song instead of racist mascot chants in sports arenas.
Mas…A Tribe Called Red: Stadium Anti-Racist Pow Wow Chant (audio)
Canadian First Nations DJ Crew A Tribe Called Red mixes up traditional sounds with future sonics and they want you to use this song instead of racist mascot chants in sports arenas.
Mas…A Tribe Called Red: Stadium Anti-Racist Pow Wow Chant (audio)
Washington, D.C. native and football fan Lewis Black explains to fans why the name “Washington Redskins” for the hometown football team is offensive to Native Americans. [NSFW F-bombs.]
(If the Facebook video doesn’t play, click here to view it on Facebook.)
It started long before sportsball team names and mascots. America’s been hatin’ on NDNs ever since they were “discovered” in 1492.
Indian Country Today Media Network’s Christina Rose reports:
Mas…Not just team mascots! America’s hated on NDNs for years (toons)
Do you have a TV? Do you like to drink beer? Good for you, idiot — you have met the minimum requirements for sports fandom. But how do smart people drink and yell at the screen (often at the same time)? Watch and learn.
Native Americans have many names, but they are not your mascots.
(PNS reporting from TIJUANA) While the American sports industrial complex is still debating the insensitive and racist Native American mascot of the Washington Redskins, fans and players of the Mexican Football League (MFL) openly question the sensitivity of some in U.S. sports circles.
Tijuana resident and avid MFL fan Nestor Gil de Vaca is puzzled.
“What is the problem with the gringos?” he asked PNS. “Sports team mascots are just that, mascots. It’s not like they are real people. I am a huge fan of the Monterrey Judios, the Sonora Cadaveres and of course my home team, the Tijuana Travestis. No one is offended, we just like to enjoy football.”
Mas…Mexican Football League fans: ‘WTF is the big deal about team names?’