Pocho Ocho things those darn kids are doing instead of playing outside

Pochitos: Descubre el bosque

According to a recent study, only six percent of Latino kids regularly play outdoors. So, if they’re not outside “enjoying” nature, what are those darn kids doing now?

8. Usando el Fiesbook.

7. Reading Erí Potter books.

6. Creating top-secret taco recipes they will never share with gringos.

5. Sewing costumes for their Lucha Libre league.

4. Making españolcats en Fotoshop.

3. Expecting a vision of the Virgin Mary.

2. Trying to end a phone conversation with their abuela (okay, chau… si ..okay….chau…si… si… okay…)

And the numero uno thing those darn kids are doing instead of playing outside is…

Looking for their greencards – so they can actually go outside and not get deported.

— Elise Roedenbeck recently redesigned her website…just for you.