Mas…La Cucaracha: Alien space invaders in MAGA drones are stealing our jobs
Asian Mex food chain partners with Google for burritos by drone (video)
Oz-based taqueria chain Guzman y Gomez sells Mexican food on the other side of the world. Project Wing, a subsidiary of Alphabet (Google’s parent company), is working on local delivery drone copters. It was a match made in heaven. Read more at Guzman y Gomez’ website.
Google tests drone delivery of burritos at Virginia Tech (video)
The future arrived in Blacksburg, Virginia, Monday as Google tested its small-package drone delivery system, lowering Chipotle Mexican Grill burritos in boxes to clipboard-carrying engineers on the Virginia Tech campus.
The #GoogleDronesOnEveryCorner test flight program appeared successful, making ten uneventful drops.
The Roanoke Times reports:
Mas…Google tests drone delivery of burritos at Virginia Tech (video)
Your Moment of Zen: The Biosphere of the Sonoran Desert (video)
Go to full screen and serious sound to experience the the stark natural beauty of the Gran Desierto de Altar in Sonora, Mexico, which has been designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Music: Sinfonía India by Mexican composer Carlos Chávez. [Video by PALAN7HIR.]
Mas…Your Moment of Zen: The Biosphere of the Sonoran Desert (video)
New L.A. restaurant promises taco delivery by drone (video)
TacoFix, a new family Mexican restaurant that opened just yesterday (Wednesday) in L.A.’s Highland Park neighborhood, promises they’ll soon be delivering tacos by drone. Watch this proof-of-concept video where a drone makes a delivery to a customer — a hungry guy who just happens to live at 420 Someplace Street. God Bless America.
Mas…New L.A. restaurant promises taco delivery by drone (video)
Quadcopter + GoPro + Mexican Ruins + Ace Drone Racer = Thrills (video)
Carlos Puertolas aka CHARPU has been called the “best drone racer in the world.” We’re no experts on FPV (First Person View), but CHARPU demonstrates mad skillz flying a GoPro-equipped quadcopter through the architectural ruins of the Ex Hacienda de Coahuixtla in Morelos, Mexico. CHARPU, a San Francisco resident originally from Madrid, Spain, pilots his drones wearing virtual reality (VR) goggles (photo).
Mexico City shines in time-lapse, drone footage: ‘La Ciudad’
Es imposible describir a La Ciudad de México, este video es una mezcla del time lapses con tomas de drones que intentan darle una perspectiva distinta. [Música: Kinky – Uruapan Breaks; Dirección: Santiago Arau Pontones; Productor: Luis Arango.]
Seamless: The food delivery service that eliminates humans (video)
Dear Architects of Our Future: I’m hungry, but don’t want to leave the house, and I certainly don’t want to interact with any human beings. Is there an app and service that can get me food delivery without any people involved? There is? And it’s Seamless?
VIDEO: Remote control spray paint tagging quad copter drone?
What is Tyrone Drone? Is it an app? Is it a drone? Stop — you’re both right, sorta.
“Reach new heights of artistic expression with Tyrone Drone,” says the hype. “Dare to tag wherever you couldn’t — or wouldn’t — before. You might not crash the White House, but Tyrone is armed with a couple cans of spray paint and no conscience. Paint your neighborhood. Or destroy it with graffiti.”
Mas…VIDEO: Remote control spray paint tagging quad copter drone?
Official Report: La Migra’s border drone results not on fleek (videos)
The Department of Homeland Security Inspector General may not have the sad, exactly, but his end-of-2014 report on border-patrolling drones was not very happy.
Tio Sam, the Inspector General recommended, should spend his Migra-Industrial Complex money somewhere else. More drones are not on fleek, the report concluded.
The LexisNexis newsroom pulled this quote from the report:
U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Unmanned Aircraft System Program Does Not Achieve Intended Results or Recognize All Costs of Operations
Although CBP’s Unmanned Aircraft System program contributes to border security, after 8 years, CBP cannot prove that the program is effective because it has not developed performance measures.
Mas…Official Report: La Migra’s border drone results not on fleek (videos)
Breaking: U.S. perverted peaceful Mexi-Drone robot plan
(PNS reporting from LOS ANGELES) Newly-uncovered video confirms allegations that the U.S. Government stole and perverted POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz’s 1998 plan to use remote-controlled robots (now called drones) for peaceful purposes.
The short informational piece, which Alcaraz made for the United States Department of Labor, aired only once — on local access cable TV program Illegal Interns. It was lost to the public until a VHS version was discovered in a storage locker in Boyle Heights last week.
Alcaraz’ documentary illustrates how remotely-controlled farm workers/braceros (called “cyber-braceros” or “cybraceros” for short in the quaint lingo of the 20th Century) could pick American crops without crossing America’s border.
Sadly, Alcaraz’ prophetic vision of remotely-controlled robots was perverted by Tio Sam and used for killing foreigners overseas and snooping on Americans at home.
The Labor Department video starts at 1:05 into the program:
La MIGRA uses drones to patrol 50% of the Mexico border (video)
Nearly half the US-Mexican border is now patrolled by Border Patrol Predator B2 drones, according to the Associated Press, and the government plans to expand the strategy to the Canadian border.
Dronestagrams: Drone photos (and one video) from Mexico
With inexpensive remote-controlled drones (typically quadcopters) mounted with small, lightweight digital cameras, previously unseen vistas can be captured and shared as videos and stills. This video shows the Monument to the Mexican Revolution in the Plaza de la República in downtown Mexico City. [Click on the photos to enlarge.]
Kilometer-long earthquake fissure splits Sonora (drone video)
An earthquake last week opened up a giant fissure in the desert west of Hermosillo, in the northern Mexican state of Sonora. The crack in the earth is 1 kilometer long and up to 25 feet deep in some stretches. This drone video shows Nature’s awesome power.
Classic Elise @Buttronica Roedenbeck: ‘Mija Weekly Valentine’ (video)
It’s Valentine’s Day with Elise Roedenbeck (AKA @Buttronica on the Twitter) in this 2013 episode of Mija Weekly! Fall in love all over again with drones, skimpy outfits, GOP immigrant-haters and learn the true meaning of Valentine’s Day. And, says Elise, try not to go into a diabetic coma.
Where is Elise now, you ask?
Mas…Classic Elise @Buttronica Roedenbeck: ‘Mija Weekly Valentine’ (video)
Breaking: Obama plans ‘I Have A Drone’ speech
(PNS reporting from WASHINGTON, DC) White House sources have confirmed that Pres. Barack Obama will deliver an “I Have A Drone” speech Wednesday to commemorate the the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “I Have A Dream” speech at the 1963 March on Washington.
The news has already sent shock waves through both the African-American and civil rights communities.
They are incensed that Obama, the first black president, has presided over the gutting of the Voter Rights Act, massive domestic surveillance, the use of drones on U.S. soil, record deportations, widespread human trafficking, the attack on women’s rights, the acquittal of vigilante killer George Zimmerman and an upcoming tsunami of voter disenfranchisement laws.
The President was also blasted by outspoken national civil rights leader Emiliano Zapata Shabazz-Jones, who called him a “Tom Turkey of avuncular proportions” due to his administration’s poor civil rights record.
[Sponsored] CIA’s new drone flights were designed with you in mind!
Our new drone flights were designed with you in mind.
It’s a difficult world, so why make it any more difficult?
Your Central Intelligence Agency is now offering select targets the option of upgrading to CIA Business Class Drone Flights.
For a small fee, you’ll get exclusive benefits and special treatment:
- E-checkout. NSA computers update your Facebook and Twitter accounts within seconds of your confirmed elimination.
- Expedited departure. No lines. No waiting. No trial. No judicial review.
Mas…[Sponsored] CIA’s new drone flights were designed with you in mind!
Food News: Flying burger copter delivers lunch in England (video)
It’s not bogus like the taco copter or merely a proof of concept like the flying burrito bomber. It’s not a product that hasn’t shipped yet, like the 3D tortilla printer. The flying hamburger copter is here; actually it’s over there, in London. As a matter of fact, if you’re in London now, order a burger to go with everything on it to be delivered to the POCHO office. When they ask for money, tell ’em Wimpy sent you.
PNS*Hot*Flash: Mexico fights bird flu outbreak with drones
(PNS reporting from GUANAJUATO, MEXICO) Mexican corporate chicken farms are fighting the bird flu outbreak in the central state of Guanajuato with specially-equipped drones, PNS has learned.
Over 582,000 chickens infected with avian influenza will be killed robotically by Depredadors, a Mexico-only model of the well-known American Predator drone.
The Depredador (photo) runs on high octane aviation fuel made only from sugar cane; the domestic Predators rely on high-fructose corn syrup.
“We’re taking every precaution not to kill innocent civilian chickens,” a spokesman for Industrias Bachoco SAB, Mexico’s biggest chicken producer told PNS Monday, “but shit happens, no?”
Mas…PNS*Hot*Flash: Mexico fights bird flu outbreak with drones
Ñewsweek: Elise Roedenbeck’s ‘Mija Weekly’ 02.11.13 (video)
It’s Valentine’s Day on Mija Weekly! Fall in love with drones, skimpy outfits, and learn the true meaning of Valentine’s Day. Try not to go into a diabetic coma.
Mas…Ñewsweek: Elise Roedenbeck’s ‘Mija Weekly’ 02.11.13 (video)
Mexican food tech flies high with the ‘Burrito Bomber’ (video)
POCHO, your web authority on taco- and burrito-loving geekological innovation, is proud to feature this video showcasing the latest advance in remote burrito delivery logistics, just in time for Mayan Apocalypse Doomsday 2012 [SEE COUNTDOWN CLOCK IN RIGHT COLUMN.]
Real, unlike the bogus Taco Copter, outshining the burrito-making robot and the limited Siri-assisted margarita maker, the Burrito Bomber actually flies and drops tasty burritos at your location. ¡Orale!
Mas…Mexican food tech flies high with the ‘Burrito Bomber’ (video)
Goth industrial post-punk dark wave Veronica: ‘Naked’ (music video)
“I dance all night, I’m trouble every day!”
Veronica “marks its corner of the sandbox with disdain and rancor. Frontman Omar’s voice traces base desires along electronic body music lines with Marilyn Manson-meets-Orgy groans. Naked is a stripped, raw and tightly magnificent pause in the happy-pop-fed masses’ pathetic existence,” José Benavides writes over at Remezcla, and who are we to disagree? One minute and 38 seconds of WIN from these Brooklyn pochos.