Charlie Chicken, Canine Artist: A Puerto Rican perro in NYC (video)

He’s only a small town dog from Puerto Rico, scoffers say. But seriously, can Charlie Chicken, Canine Artist, make it in the uber competitive New York artistic scene? Charlie’s creations (his mixed media are poop and urine) are regularly featured all across Brooklyn, the short documentary explains.

Rosa Diaz goes ‘method’ on Charles Bukowski project (audio, video)

rosadiazPhilly singer-songwriter Rosa Diaz started a Charles Bukowski-themed project, and to make it authentic, she became a Method Actor — actually living the writer’s hard-drinking life style until it almost killed her.

LatinoUSA’s Nadia Reiman reports:

In this recent a capella music video, Diaz sings about Pain:

Mas…Rosa Diaz goes ‘method’ on Charles Bukowski project (audio, video)

Did Puerto Rican lawyers cause rise in bed-fall fatalities?

people-who-died-by-falling-out-of-their-bed_number-of-lawyers-in-puerto-rico(PNS reporting from CAMBRIDGE, MASS) Did you know that the more lawyers there are in Puerto Rico, the more people die from falling out of their beds?

That’s the startling statistical relationship discovered by the prestigious Harvard Law-school-based Spurious Correlations Institute, one of many recently revealed on their website.

Mas…Did Puerto Rican lawyers cause rise in bed-fall fatalities?

Breaking: Here’s how Obama plans to ‘give America a raise’

sotuanimated(PNS reporting from WASHINGTON) President Barack Obama plans to use his executive powers to raise the minimum wage for employees of Federal contractors and he wants corporate executives and local and state officials to do the same.

“Give America a raise!” he said in his State of the Union address Tuesday night:

In the coming weeks, I will issue an Executive Order requiring federal contractors to pay their federally-funded employees a fair wage of at least $10.10 an hour – because if you cook our troops’ meals or wash their dishes, you shouldn’t have to live in poverty.

Additional Obama initiatives are aimed at the Latino community. Sources close to the President have told PNS to expect the Administration to implement these additional programs in the coming weeks:

Mas…Breaking: Here’s how Obama plans to ‘give America a raise’