Mas…La Cucaracha’s Eddie Lopez: Pop Culture Troll or Armchair Aztec Edgelord?
star trek
At San Diego Comic-Con and Chicano Con, a good toon was had by all (photos)
San Diego Comic-Con International 2018 is one for the books — a glorious cosplay and comics extravaganza.
A personal highlight for POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz was his first-ever spot on the Quick Draw panel, said to always be the funniest panel at Comic-Con. This year’s group featured the rapid-fire Sharpies of comics god Sergio Aragones (photo ^^) and “has drawn everything” cartoonist Scott Shaw:
Mas…At San Diego Comic-Con and Chicano Con, a good toon was had by all (photos)
Shocking new video from Trump’s doctor reveals awful truth
Dr. Harold Bornstein — that wack long-haired doctor who wrote a weird-ass letter about Donald Trump’s health — comes clean with the whole truth and nothing but the truth in this shocking new video. [Yes, that’s STTNG’s Brent Spiner, Trekkies!]
Star Trek Native America: The Prime Directive (mostly SFW video)
What happens when indigenous Star Fleet Captain James T. Kirk violates the Prime Directive? Will he create an alternative universe? (Caution: one “adult” word.) Let’s tune in….
Mas…Star Trek Native America: The Prime Directive (mostly SFW video)
Elise @Buttronica Roedenbeck reads Amazon product reviews (video)
Reading is hard. That’s why we’re happy to feature our MiJA, Elise Roedenbeck (she’s @Buttronica on the Twitter), reading customer reviews of products. Now you can sit back, chillax, watch and listen instead of trying to pick out the words, with all those darn letters. Today’s selection includes a dramatic reading of a review shared by the Starship Enterprise’ most festive officer, George Takei.
Mas…Elise @Buttronica Roedenbeck reads Amazon product reviews (video)
Raza in Espace: Commander Chakotay, indigenista Starfleet officer
How do you rebel when you’re raised on an indigenista planet with a traditional tribal culture?
Teenage Chakotay left the tribe and entered Starfleet Academy, and grew up to
became a freedom fighter who engaged the Cardassians and became the voice of reason as Voyager’s first officer during their long journey back to the Alpha Quadrant.
He was also a mentor to Latina engineer, B’Elenna Torres and sported a bad-ass facial tattoo before Mike Tyson.
Commander Chakotay was raised on a planet on the border between the United Federation of Planets and Cardassian Union.
Mas…Raza in Espace: Commander Chakotay, indigenista Starfleet officer
Mexclusive en Español: ‘Star Trek Into Darkness con Tribbles’ (video)
To boldly go where no hombre has gone before — Estrella Viaje.
Mayan weed bombs scar U.S. field, Trekkies prepare for Apocalypse
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Every day brings us closer to the End of the World as We Know It on December 21 (synchronize your chronometers with our MAYAN APOCALYPSE DOOMSDAY COUNTDOWN CLOCK in the right column.)
All over the Internets, extremely concerned Trekkies are banding together to wear “expendable red” jerseys on The Last Day, so they can “die as Mr. Gene Rodenberry intended.”
And policia stationed near San Luis, AZ found a freshly-plowed field on the American side of the Colorado River scarred by craters and dotted with payloads of Mayan Marijuana apparently shot by cannabis cannoneers using a pneumatic cannon.
Pneumatic cannon? Federales found an empty industrial-sized CO2 canister, presumably propellant, in their hood.
Mas…Mayan weed bombs scar U.S. field, Trekkies prepare for Apocalypse
Adrian Tafoya: My life as an alien (In space, la raza assimilates you)
There are certain situations in Hollywood where as an actor you have to have no shame.
This was one of those times as I stood inside a large curtained-off fitting room wearing only a flesh-colored dance belt, the equivalent of man panties. Well, it is true that actors are a strangely alien tribe which are most unique only in Hollywood. I mean, where else would a Latino wear such a ridiculous contraption?
OK, back to my man panties… Key costumer Kim Thompson enters with a box of silver and black shaded and molded latex pieces twisted into sinewy shapes and a box of safety pins. She hands me a stretchy nylon body suit and says, “Put this on,” not asking, knowing full well that I would welcome a cover-up of my nakedness.
Mas…Adrian Tafoya: My life as an alien (In space, la raza assimilates you)
Sabado Pochonte Video: ‘Zorro’s Fighting Legion, Flaming Z’
Zorro’s Fighting Legion is a 1939 Republic Pictures serial featuring Reed Hadley as Zorro. The plot revolves around Zorro’s alter-ego’s (Don Diego‘s) fight against the evil Don Del Oro, who wants to become Emperor of Mexico.
An occasional trope in this serial is the ritual death of at least one native informant, much like the death of a red-shirted Star Trek Away Team newbie. The direction was identical for each snitch’s demise, creating a source of unintentional humor: each one, upon uttering the phrase, “Don del Oro is…”, is shot by a golden arrow and dies before revealing the villain’s true identity.
Here’s Chapter 2, Flaming Z. (0:15 mins)
Mas…Sabado Pochonte Video: ‘Zorro’s Fighting Legion, Flaming Z’
Rick Perry: Mexi-Klingon threat could require Viet troops
(PNS reporting from NEW ENGLAND) As president, Rick Perry “would send troops back into Vietnam,” the Texas governor declared during Saturday’s presidential debate.
Blasting Pres. Barack Obama for letting Vietnam “just sit there,” Perry (R-TX) said the area is susceptible to a light-speed invasion from Mexican Klingons and possibly people who hate Christmas.
“Look, these people have the technology. I’ve seen it. I think the idea that we allow these Mexi-Klingons to come back into Vietnam and take over that country, with all of the treasure, both in blood and money, and uhm, one other thing, oh shit…well with all that we have spent there because this president wants to kowtow to his Borg leftist base…I think it is a huge mistake,” Perry said during the debate.
Mas…Rick Perry: Mexi-Klingon threat could require Viet troops