In the indigenous communities around the town of Juchitán de Zaragoza, Oaxaca, the world is not divided simply into males and females. The local Zapotec people have made room for a third category, they call Muxes – men who consider themselves women and live in a socially-sanctioned limbo between the two genders. [Video by Ivan Olita.]
Hey Vato! Chuy and Angie discuss modern gender roles (NSFW video)
Hey Vato’s Chuy is hungry so asks his sister Angie to make some food, because that’s what women do, right? Angie is not in complete agreement. [NSFW adult language.]
So Frida Kahlo: This Halloween you’re going as a boy? (1924 photos)
The many faces of Frida Kahlo include a somber Frida, all of 17, in a three-piece suit.
Mas…So Frida Kahlo: This Halloween you’re going as a boy? (1924 photos)
All-woman mariachis Flor de Toloache represent in NYC (video)
They’re white, they’re black, they’re brown, they’re women, they’re mariachis. In New York. Flor de Toloache represent!
Mas…All-woman mariachis Flor de Toloache represent in NYC (video)
Video: The Nuts and Bolts of Chican@ Feminist Theory
You say you want to understand Chican@ Feminist Theory? We have just what you’ve been looking for.
Huh? Video creator Rafael Solorzano explains
Diversity sells, but Hollywood is overwhelmingly white, male (audio)
“If you want an accurate picture of ethnic and gender diversity in the United States, don’t look to Hollywood,” says NPR.
That’s the conclusion of the “2015 Hollywood Diversity Report” conducted by the Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies at UCLA.
The report quantifies the striking — if not surprising — racial and gender imbalances in film and television, both behind and in front of the camera, by comparing the representation of minorities to their actual proportions of the population.
“At every level, in every arena, women and minorities are under-represented in the industry,” says Darnell Hunt, the study’s co-author and director of the Bunche Center. “And the only question really is how serious, how egregious that level of under-representation is.”
Mas…Diversity sells, but Hollywood is overwhelmingly white, male (audio)
Woman needs stricter hubby test than ‘not a drunk, won’t beat me’
(PNS reporting from SAN ANTONIO) Sandra Ceballos made a shocking discovery Friday night when she was out with her girlfriends.
The standards she’d been using to find a good husband were, as her friend Jenny put it, “appallingly low.”
Ceballos, whose family is from Mexico, was raised to believe that if a man is not too much of a drunk, works hard, and doesn’t beat you, he’s “good husband material.”
Mas…Woman needs stricter hubby test than ‘not a drunk, won’t beat me’
Enough with the sassy sexy Latina stereotype! (video)
It’s not that Latinas don’t love hearing how their individual characteristics pale in comparison to stereotypes thrown around on talk radio…well, actually, they don’t love it. At all.
NOLA student Sophia Garcia says the stereotypes that bother her most are the ones she hears when she share her “opinions” — that she’s being overly “spicy” and “ghetto.” Who would be bothered by that? Probably anyone.
What you think?
@SaraChicaD explains how to deal with mansplaining (video)
POCHO’s Subcommandanta del Ñews, Sara Inés Calderón (she’s @SaraChicaD on El Tuiter), explains how to deal with mansplaining. And that’s all we dare say because testosterone.
‘Equal pay’ battle that Batgirl began is a battle that’s still raging
In 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act which prohibits gender discrimination in wages. Back then, women made 59 cents on average for every dollar earned by men.
Fifty years later, women earn only 77 cents for every buck a guy gets, so the battle that Batgirl began is not over.
Mas…‘Equal pay’ battle that Batgirl began is a battle that’s still raging
Breaking: Scientists ID ’empty the trash’ gene in male DNA
(PNS reporting from BOSTON) Geneticists at Boston University have discovered the gene in men that gives them the strength, stamina and expertise to take out the trash.
According to an article published Monday in the journal Science, the gene is located near other genetic material that corresponds to mens’ inherent superior ability to mow the lawn and open tight jar lids.
Mas…Breaking: Scientists ID ’empty the trash’ gene in male DNA
Meet Payasos, activist Latino Los Angeles ‘Rad Queers’ (NSFW video)
They’re here, they’re queer. Oh dear! 😉 (Potentially NSFW depending.)
White guys emergency: We must fight for our rights! (NSFW video)
Attention white guys: Feeling oppressed? Pissed off that the damn gays and women and minorities are getting too much attention and sympathy? You’ve come to the right video! (NSFW language.)
Women beware: You might be guilty of ‘walking with ovaries’

Several years ago, I was driving through the backwoods of central Florida trying to find the home of a distant cousin. Desperately lost, I called my mother, but my abuela answered the phone.
I asked her, “Hey, do you know Annita’s phone number? I’m trying to find her house.”
My grandmother’s response: “Go home. A woman shouldn’t be driving alone.”
I can’t help but feel my grandmother’s Old World values have a residual grasp on modern society — the notion that a woman’s role is in the private sphere, that she should not be out in public.
Often while walking the streets of Manhattan I’m subjected to stares that deem me guilty of a crime: guilty of walking with ovaries.
Mas…Women beware: You might be guilty of ‘walking with ovaries’
Pocho Ocho ways Latinas emasculate Latinos
It can be hard to be a Latina, but it can be even harder to be in love with one. I will admit that I occasionally emasculate my Latino friends, love interests and acquaintances.
Given that Latinos and Latinas alike often contend with issues of machismo, emasculation can sometimes happen by accident. Then again, for the same reasons, it can also happen on purpose. Whatever the case, here’s a list of eight occasions to watch out for:
8. Talking to his mother or female relatives about him.
Although this is a female ritual, it never ceases to cause discomfort.
7. Calling him by Spanish pet names in front of his friends.
He may be your “pedacito de bon bon” when you two are alone, but when you call him these things in front of his friends, somehow it makes him less of a man.
SRSLY? Lame-ass pick-up lines of would-be Latino lovers
The first time a man made a sexual advance to me – some random guy on the other side of the street – I was 13. Yes, although I hadn’t even started shaving my legs, I was already trying to figure out how to deal with sexual weirdos. Such tender memories.
If I recall correctly, his exact words, or sounds, were something like “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!!!”