Hey Vato! presents ‘A Cholo Valentine’ (NSFW video)
As Vatos Smiley and Chuy search for the true meaning of Valentine’s Day — and the place of amor in this troubled world — Smiley’s sister Angie sets them straight on how VDay REALLY works. [NSFW F-bomb.]
Espanish 101: ¿Where did we get the word PENDEJO?
You heard it, you said it, you know it.
There’s the Orange Pendejo, first of all, and that pendejo down the block who parks his ranfla like a baboso. Let’s not forget that pendeja on the train with the cheap perfume and those pendejos at the construction site who cat-call every time a mujer walks on by.
But what does PENDEJO mean, exactly? If you’ve ever looked it up, the dictionary says it means “pubic hair,” but how did that turn into “asshat” or “jerkface” or “_______?”
Let’s follow along with University of Texas Río Grande Valley Profe David Bowles:
East Los man doesn’t care what Cinco de Mayo is all about, yo!
(PNS reporting from EAST LOS) Ruben Covarrubias (photo) astounded family and friends here Sunday night when he admitted that the history of Cinco de Mayo didn’t concern him and he’d always thought “May 5 was Mexican Independence Day, so like so what?!”
“I don’t care what it’s about, yo!” he told everyone within earshot of the backyard grill. “I just always celebrated it with MEChA and at school. Partay!”
Mas…East Los man doesn’t care what Cinco de Mayo is all about, yo!
Tia Lencha: What pochos need to know about El Dia de Los Muertos
Happy Day of the Dead! Is Tia Lencha here. Many people ask me questions about Dia de Los Muertos. I answer the questions today.
Question numero one: Tia Lencha wass this Dia de los Muertos? Is it the Mexican Halloween?
Gwell, kind of, I say. Except that the Day of the Dead celebrations come from the indigenous pagan rituals that trace back 2,500 to 3,000 years ago. Way before Duane Reade sold Halloween candy.
Question numero two: Tia Lencha, wassup with the calaveras (“skulls” for you pochos)?
Bueno, before Jesus came along, people used to keep skulls of their loved ones (and maybe not so loved ones) as trophies. They showed off the skulls during the rituals as symbols of death and rebirth. Kind of heavy, no? I never say my history was all tequila shots and tacos.
Also, calaveras can be short poems, like epitaphs like to mock your friends. Like you can make fun of them on their tombstones. Like for mijo’s daddy, I wrote a calavera about him call “Oscar Meyer” because he like to stick his weenie ebrywhere! He no think it was so funny.
Mas…Tia Lencha: What pochos need to know about El Dia de Los Muertos
Hey Vato! It’s ‘A Cholo Valentine’ (NSFW video)
As Vatos Smiley and Chuy search for the true meaning of Valentine’s Day — and the place of amor in this troubled world — Smiley’s sister Angie sets them straight on how VDay REALLY works. [F-bomb.]
Meteorologist Chris Farley: I’m El Niño and I’m coming (video)
Weatherman Chris Farley is El Niño and he’s coming your way. But what does “El Niño” even mean, though?
Why in the world are sneakers hanging from telephone lines? (video)
The Mystery of Flying Kicks from Closer Productions seeks to explain a world-wide phenomenon. Why do people hang old sneakers on telephone lines?
Area man doesn’t care what Cinco de Mayo is all about, yo!
(PNS reporting from EAST LOS) Ruben Covarrubias astounded family and friends here Sunday night when he admitted that the history of Cinco de Mayo didn’t concern him and he’d always thought “May 5 was Mexican Independence Day, so like so what?!”
“I don’t care what it’s about, yo!” he told everyone within earshot of the backyard grill. “I just always celebrated it with MEChA and at school. Partay!”
Friends and family at the Covarrubias’ weekly carne asada were aghast. Some reconsidered whether they’d be driving back to El Sereno next week, multiple witness reported.
Mas…Area man doesn’t care what Cinco de Mayo is all about, yo!
How to pronounce ‘pocho’ (audio)
“What exactly IS all this pocho talk?” you might ask.
Shameless! Charo finally reveals the meaning of ‘Cuchi-Cuchi’ (videos)
Mystery of the ages! You won’t believe what this actress and flamenco guitarist said! The one weird phrase that turned a Spanish ingenue into a superstar! I never expected I’d react like this when watching a video from Oprah! When this blonde chica began playing, the audience gasped!
Charo fans: You know you’ve been waiting for this. Was it worth the wait?
Mas…Shameless! Charo finally reveals the meaning of ‘Cuchi-Cuchi’ (videos)
Shock confession! Local man doesn’t care what Cinco de Mayo is about
(PNS reporting from EAST LOS) Ruben Covarrubias astounded family and friends here Sunday night when he admitted that the meaning of Cinco de Mayo didn’t concern him and he’d always thought “May 5 was Mexican Independence Day, so like so what?!”
“I don’t care what it’s about,” he told everyone within earshot of the backyard grill. “I just always celebrated it with MEChA and at school. Partay!”
Friends and family at the Covarrubias’ weekly carne asada were aghast. Some reconsidered whether they’d be driving back to El Sereno next week, multiple witness reported.
Mas…Shock confession! Local man doesn’t care what Cinco de Mayo is about
Life of Brian: ‘Always look on the bright side of life!’ (video + lyrics)
We’re with Brian: “If life seems jolly rotten, there’s something you’ve forgotten!” Happy Easter! (NSFW because they sing “shit.”)
Sing along with these handy lyrics (and guitar chords):
Mas…Life of Brian: ‘Always look on the bright side of life!’ (video + lyrics)
Tia Lencha’s Cocina explains El Dia de Los Muertos for you pochos
Happy Day of the Dead! Is Tia Lencha here. Many people ask me questions about Dia de Los Muertos. I answer the questions today.
Question numero one: Tia Lencha wass this Dia de los Muertos? Is it the Mexican Halloween?
Gwell, kind of, I say. Except that the Day of the Dead celebrations come from the indigenous pagan rituals that trace back 2,500 to 3,000 years ago. Way before Duane Reade sold Halloween candy.
Question numero two: Tia Lencha, wassup with the calaveras (“skulls” for you pochos)?
Bueno, before Jesus came along, people used to keep skulls of their loved ones (and maybe not so loved ones) as trophies. They showed off the skulls during the rituals as symbols of death and rebirth. Kind of heavy, no? I never say my history was all tequila shots and tacos.
Also, calaveras can be short poems, like epitaphs like to mock your friends. Like you can make fun of them on their tombstones. Like for mijo’s daddy, I wrote a calavera about him call “Oscar Meyer” because he like to stick his weenie ebrywhere! He no think it was so funny.
Mas…Tia Lencha’s Cocina explains El Dia de Los Muertos for you pochos
Latina discovers talent for poetry by saying random words slowly
(PNS reporting from SAN FRANCISCO) Marce “More-Say” Figueroa discovered her talent for poetry this time last year when her roommate told her she was talking in her sleep.
After that conversation, Figueroa started writing down the random words that popped into her head when she woke up. Soon, she realized what she was really writing was poetry — and April is National Poetry Month!
“Angie my roommate was all, like, ‘Wow Marce, that’s great,’” she told PNS. “She was so inspired that I started writing more poems, and after a reading in the City College of San Francisco cafeteria, I changed my name to More-Say, instead of Marce, because it’s like poetry, you know?”
Mas…Latina discovers talent for poetry by saying random words slowly
Life of Brian: ‘Always look on the bright side of life!’ (video + lyrics)
We’re with Brian: “If life seems jolly rotten, there’s something you’ve forgotten!” Happy Easter from all the Pochodores! (NSFW because they sing “shit.”)
Sing along with these handy lyrics (and guitar chords):
Mas…Life of Brian: ‘Always look on the bright side of life!’ (video + lyrics)
Pocho Ocho other Papal smoke signals beside black and white
The Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church locked themselves inside the Vatican’s historic Sistine Chapel Tuesday to choose the next Pope. In accordance with tradition, they will communicate the results of their deliberations to the outside world via smoke signals.
Black smoke means no one got enough votes (two-thirds of those voting must agree) to become Pope, and white smoke means Habemus Papam — Latino for “We have a Pope.”
But that’s not all! Here are the pocho ocho other smoke signals the Cardinals will send to let you know what’s going on inside the Sistine Chapel:
8. Green smoke: Habemus frogam
7. Rainbow smoke: We have a new Pope and he is fabulous
6. Red smoke: OK, which one of you Cardinals put Flamin’ Hot Cheetos in the ballot box?
Mas…Pocho Ocho other Papal smoke signals beside black and white
What did Obama tell the DNC? We did the word salad arithmetic!
POCHO was so inspired by Bill Clinton’s espeech, with all the math and stuff, that we decided to arithmetically analyze President Obama’s address to the Democratic National Convention.
What does it all mean? Dunno. Math is hard. What do you think?
Some top phrases containing 8 words (without punctuation marks) | Occurencies |
harder but it leads to a better place | 2 |
and now you have a choice we can | 2 |
share and everyone plays by the same rules | 2 |
does their fair share and everyone plays by | 2 |
fair share and everyone plays by the same | 2 |
and everyone does their fair share and everyone | 2 |
their fair share and everyone plays by the | 2 |
fair shot and everyone does their fair share | 2 |
everyone gets a fair shot and everyone does | 2 |
shot and everyone does their fair share and | 2 |
gets a fair shot and everyone does their | 2 |
a fair shot and everyone does their fair | 2 |
everyone does their fair share and everyone plays | 2 |
Mas…What did Obama tell the DNC? We did the word salad arithmetic!
Hey Vato! Will new rims make my life better? (NSFW video)
Chuy’s car might look a whole lot better with new rims, but is that really the way to improve one’s life, or to score with the ladies? Smiley offers an alternative approach to the existential question. (NSFW language.)
Pocho Ocho ironic nicknames that aren’t as insulting as they seem

8. Gordo/a – This word (it means “overweight”) seems like an insult, but it’s just another way to say, “Hey you!” You don’t have to be fat to get this nickname.
7. Flaco/a – And you don’t actually have to be skinny to get this nickname. Of course, you could be relatively skinny compared to everyone else in the room, but it’s just a way to speed things along.
6. Viejo/a – This word (“old”) could be used to refer to one’s significant other, parent, or friend. Whether or not one is actually old depends on those involved in the conversation.
Mas…Pocho Ocho ironic nicknames that aren’t as insulting as they seem
Lalo Alcaraz draws his split personality in ‘La Cucaracha’ (video)
Two years ago, POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz (San Diego State University 1987) told folks at his alma mater how college days during the Reagan era led to his split personality. The two halves of his brain are now the two main characters in his syndicated daily comic La Cucaracha.
Mas…Lalo Alcaraz draws his split personality in ‘La Cucaracha’ (video)