Donald Trump, John Lewis and MLK Day (video, toon, photo)

In 1991, Public Enemy‘s epic By the Time I Get to Arizona spotlighted the Hate State of Arizona’s failure to implement the Martin Luther King Day national holiday.

Contrast and compare with PEE-OTUS Donald Trump’s weekend Twitter attack on civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis, draw the necessary conclusions, and prepare to take appropriate action:

Mas…Donald Trump, John Lewis and MLK Day (video, toon, photo)

Arizona Ex-Governor Jan Brewja’s Pocho Ocho Mas Loco Predictions

superbrewerFormer Arizona Governor Jan Brewja is predicting Donald Trump will win in the Hate State elections because Latinos won’t vote.

“Nah,” Brewer said in an interview with the Boston Globe. “They don’t get out and vote. They don’t vote.”

What else does she foresee? Here are her Pocho Ocho Mas Loco Predictions:

8. Pigs will fly.

7. When nasty women stop provoking the average guy with slutty clothes, rapes will stop.

6. If regulators approve the AT&T-Time Warner merger, the cable guy will actually arrive between 10am and 2pm.

Mas…Arizona Ex-Governor Jan Brewja’s Pocho Ocho Mas Loco Predictions

Welcome to 2040 and life on ‘The Other Side’ (video)

Exterior, day: Destitute desert town in the year 2040. Audio: Spanish newsradio tells the story — unemployment is 86%, gangs are everywhere and food and water are getting scarce.

There’s only one thing a father can do — smuggle his family across the border to the prosperous country on The Other Side.

Coloring book from El Rey Del Art: Frida bot, taco dreams, luchador

elreycoverThe Big Fancy Coloring Book offers something special for odd grownups, peculiar kids, and lovers of absurd drawings of tacos, Frida Kahlo and/or Chiquita Banana and/or Carmen Miranda, luchadores and armadillos. It’s the latest creative product from our mysterious amigo, The Painter of Arizona Light, whose Internet spokespern is known as El Rey Del Art (so-called self portrait, above).

We’ve secured especial permission to share four of El Rey’s droppings here:

Mas…Coloring book from El Rey Del Art: Frida bot, taco dreams, luchador