Meanwhile, Zesty Nacho? Huh? “TFW you become a demographic stereotype,” writes Twitter photo uploader Nick Riccardi.
‘Highland Park’: Binge-watch all the episodes right here! (NSFW videos)
Have you been watching Highland Park on the YouTube? We’ve got all the episodes right here for your binge-watching convenience. You can start with this trailer (above), or dive right in (below). [NSFW. Adult situations, language.]
In Episode 1, Los Angeles locals Juanita and Diego had a holy vision in Highland Park. Who knew Tonantzin, Aztec mother goddess, had a cousin named Concepción?
Mas…‘Highland Park’: Binge-watch all the episodes right here! (NSFW videos)
Can Juanita and Diego survive the gentrification of ‘Highland Park’?
Los Angeles locals Juanita and Diego had a holy vision in Highland Park. Who knew Tonantzin, Aztec mother goddess, had a cousin named Concepción?
SPONSORED: Take the worry out of gentrification – with GENTRÍFIA®
Gentrification is TERRIFIC with GENTRÍFIA®!
“I used to worry about gentrification squeezing out local businesses,” says Monica Galvanes of Eagle Rock, a Los Angeles neighborhood in transition. “And then I heard about GENTRÍFIA®. Now I don’t give a shit!”
Her reaction explains the great success of GENTRÍFIA®, according to its manufacturer, STFU PHARMA.
Carlos Robles up in the East Bay is also enthusiastic:
Mas…SPONSORED: Take the worry out of gentrification – with GENTRÍFIA®
Pocho Ocho best ways to bait a Chipster (Chicano + hipster) Trap
In New Jack City, proactive pranksters have set Hipster Traps to snare unwary hipsters. The NYC traps are baited with Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, American Spirit cigarettes, a bike chain and neon-pink Wayfarer sunglasses.
When trapping chipsters (Chicano hipsters), our experts recommend these Pocho Ocho Best Ways to Bait Your Chipster Trap:
8. Suavecito® Pomade and Beard Wax
7. Venti horchata latte, half skim, half leche de cabra, with agave sweetener
6. $60 huaraches from Urban Outfitters
Mas…Pocho Ocho best ways to bait a Chipster (Chicano + hipster) Trap
Ask A Mexican: Here’s an idea – Learn to love hipsters (NSFW video)
In between the Mexican curse words, Gustavo Arellano has a modest proposal: Learn to love your local hipster and/or chipster. We’re still trying to figure out what and who ¡Asked A Mexican! That cartoon, though! [NSFW adult language.]
Are you a Chipster (Chicano + hipster)? There are Pocho Ocho ways to tell. You might be a Chipster if…
Mas…Ask A Mexican: Here’s an idea – Learn to love hipsters (NSFW video)
Chipster’s Delight: Calavera fez for you stylin’ vatos (photos, video)
With everybody and her tio dressing up for Halloween and Dia de los Muertos, it’s important to stand out from the crowd with a bold fashion-forward statement. For some stylish chipsters, that means a calavera-themed fez.
Lucky for us, that’s exactly what our ‘chuco suave model, Pablo from the Internets, is wearing! Pablo’s embroidered velvet chapeau is a new Fall style from San Diego’s You don’t just wear a fez, pochos. A fez wears you.
Mas…Chipster’s Delight: Calavera fez for you stylin’ vatos (photos, video)
Parking lot foot race: Hipster in thrift store shirt vs OG cholo (video)
The competition is set for the parking lot behind the bleachers in hot and windy El Monte, East Los, Califas. Can tattooed veterano Rizer put down his mocoso and beat hipster Ben, even if Ben is wearing his magic $3 thrift shore shirt? It’s a thrill-packed race up to the chain link fence and back again and there’s a hyna standing by with prizes. Skip Ventura of Varsity Punks reports.
Mijo, these Tenis are nice, pero solamante uso Botas
Muchas gracias for the regalos de mi Cumple! I thought the libros were great. Is this the book about that show on HBO con los lobos? We don’t watch HBO much porque tu Mom sees her Novelas y esa muchacha Rachel Maddow. Se enoja after watching her program. Va hacer volunteer con la guera, Wendy Davis. Dice qu no vieno a este país para que sus hijas no tenga oportunidades.
Pero, tu sabes I like leyendo better than seeing la Tele. Mijo, internet surfing counts as reading! A mi me gusta leer los periódicos en Mexico y el New York Times. Si, tambien leo el Perez Hilton. Mijo, I don’t have to be reading Enrique Krauze todo el tiempo.
Survey says? Pocho Ocho top Chipster New Year’s Resolutions
To be a Chipster (Chicano + Hipster) is not a destination, but a journey, and seekers must never rest. These are the Pocho Ocho Chipster New Year’s Resolutions our readers shared with us:
8. Despite the Indio heritage that gives me a sparse Fu Manchu facial hair configuration, I resolve to grow a Chente-strength bigote in 2014.
7. Nopalitos every day keeps the doctor away.
6. Repeat after me: Tenochtitlan, not panocha flan.
Mas…Survey says? Pocho Ocho top Chipster New Year’s Resolutions
New @ The POCHO Store: Chipsters Anonymous 2013 merch
We just opened a new section at our store filled with Chipsters Anonymous 2013 merchandise, inspired by our wildly-popular Are You A Chipster? article.
The Chipsters Anonymous section stocks your tshirts, your hoodies, your mugs, your tote bags, all the chachkas that CafePress offers.
Go there NOW and BUY BUY BUY. And if you want some other products with this logo, let us know!
Pocho Ocho ‘things educated Chicanos like’
We found this blog called Stuff Educated Chicanos Like | Information on those kids from Aztlan and it’s like it was conceived and written about us here at Pocho, but no.
The blog started in 2008 and hasn’t been updated since 2011, but it still makes us LOL.
(We stole just eight headlines from the original 23 entries for this Pocho Ocho list, so you’ll have to read this post and find the link at the end for the extensive original story.)
¡Mira! Pocho Ocho things educated Chicanos like, with links to POCHO examples:
8. Salma Hayek
[Chamber music for chipsters] Dorian Wood: ‘La Cara Infinita’ (video)
Dorian Wood is a Los Angeles-based avant garde (“alternative” is not a big enough word) composer and performer who publishes his own compositions via a company called Why Are You Doing This Music which maybe gives you a hint of what to expect from his self-produced album Rattle Rattle. This version of the Echo Park homie’s original song La Cara Infinta (on the album) was recorded live on July 5 at the MorYork Gallery in L.A. That’s Ms. Eddika Organista on guest vocals. Just wow.
You want more, right? Here’s the complete audio for Rattle Rattle:
Mas…[Chamber music for chipsters] Dorian Wood: ‘La Cara Infinita’ (video)
My Shocking True Confession: Yes, I am a ‘Chipster’
I ride a pink road bike named Rosita or a commuter folding bike, rock the thrift store combat boots with floral print dresses, listen to independent local artists like Chicano Batman, L@s Cafeter@s, eat vegan burritos, etc.
As a matter of fact, one or more of my closest companer@s can check the boxes off POCHO’s Chiptser Check-off list. It’s with this Curriculum Vitae that I am qualified to write on the Chipster question, right?
Breaking: Silverlake hipster DOA after DIY project goes wrong
(PNS reporting from LOS ANGELES) Jimmy “Doc” Juanes was found dead on Hyperion Boulevard near Fountain Avenue here late Sunday night in what the LAPD called a freak DIY project gone wrong.
The 28-year-old USC masters student in French literature was known around his Silverlake neighborhood for his inventive do-it-yourself projects that pushed the envelope for what is considered “standard” in the DIY/Maker community, and police here said that led to his demise.
Mas…Breaking: Silverlake hipster DOA after DIY project goes wrong
Are you a ‘Chipster’ (Chicano + hipster)? Pocho Ocho ways to tell
Are you a Chipster (Chicano + hipster)? There are Pocho Ocho ways to tell. You might be a Chipster if…
8. You wear skinny jeans instead of Levi’s when swimming at the beach
7. You scored a medical marijuana prescription to protect you from the ojo
6. Your tricked-out chrome lowrider bike is a vintage Schwinn fixie
Mas…Are you a ‘Chipster’ (Chicano + hipster)? Pocho Ocho ways to tell
PDX resident loses street cred after Whole Foods Instagram snafu
(PNS reporting from PORTLAND) Mario Rojas grew up in a tough Chicago barrio, but since he moved here for college he’s gotten soft, according his friends and family. His old street cred is gone, they worry, and he doesn’t resemble the Mario they used to know.
“He’s all into that hipster shit, organic and whatever, qué es eso? Organic ni nada, ponte a trabajar!” said Rojas’ father, Mario Sr., when contacted by PNS.
Eating a gluten-free alfalfa sprout and chevre cheese taco on an organic blue corn tortilla — and then getting tagged in an Instagram photo by his friend Maggie — didn’t helped Mario Jr.’s reputation either. Until the stylized photographic foul-up, Rojas kept his family in the dark by never sharing pictures of his newly-grown beard, clothes, or food preferences.
Mas…PDX resident loses street cred after Whole Foods Instagram snafu
You might be a Latino hipster if…

First off, you may be asking yourself, “What is a hipster?”
Hipsters are the contemporary derivative of beatniks and manifest particular philosophies, fashion and food choices, professional and geographic preferences and, inevitably, are the butt of many jokes.
Why did the hipster burn his mouth on the pizza? Because he ate it before it was cool.