Mas…La Cucaracha: What can we do about Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio?
#TBT 2012: Meet our newest sponsor – RentALatino!
In our ongoing search for advertisers to match our diverse audience, it looks like we have found a winner – a company with deep pockets and its heart in the right place.
POCHO is glad to welcome RentALatino to the echelons of our Premium Sponsors.
To learn how you might qualify for RentALatino‘s latest discounts and see the full message from our sponsor, read on!
Loyalty and Loathing: Is Donald Trump the new Fidel Castro?
Since Donald Trump’s astonishing rise to power, there is only one other public figure I can recall that has drawn such extremes of loyalty and loathing: Fidel Castro in his prime.
I will no doubt get an avalanche of criticism from my fellow Cuban-Americans for making this observation. But that simply proves my point. Although at opposite ends of the political spectrum, both men are lightning rods for polarization. Their similarities are in political style, not ideology.
Mas…Loyalty and Loathing: Is Donald Trump the new Fidel Castro?
Marga Gomez: My awkward phone call with Ms. Bagina (video)
New York-based actor, writer, director, and comic Marga Gomez didn’t quite know what to say when the next telemarketing phone call she had to make was to a woman named Bagina.
Que lastima! The GOP’s Latino candidates are anti-Latino
Growing up on the mean streets of East Los Angeles, I, like many of my childhood friends, feared the police more than the local gang, Big Hazard. Specifically, we dreaded Latino police officers, since they had a reputation of being more brutal than their white peers with us — poor Chicano kids from the projects.
By verbally and physically harassing us, the Latino officers reinforced their 100 percent loyalty to their white peers and police department. Similarly, just like in my old barrio, in the Republican presidential-nomination battle, we can clearly see how the two Latino candidates, Sens. Marco Rubio (Florida) and Ted Cruz (Texas), go the extra mile to demonstrate their loyalty to their white peers and mostly white electorate with their anti-Latino immigrant agenda.
Mas…Que lastima! The GOP’s Latino candidates are anti-Latino
Ted Cruz campaign tracts warn of ‘Satan’s Spiritual Structure’
While Senator Ted Cruz (R-Canadia) was telling the crowd “To God be the Glory” [In Arabic, this is “Allahu Akbar”] in his Des Moines, Iowa victory speech Monday night, PNS snagged an example of the tracts campaign aides were passing out to the crowd — tracts detailing the Christian Sharia Law we can expect under President Cruz.
The rest of the tract is here….
Santa hates milk and cookies, kids! He ❤️ arroz, frijoles, plantanos y res
Attention Latino/Hispanic children in southeast Florida: Santa Claus does not want your milk and cookies, kids. He wants plantanos, y arroz y frijoles negros y res (could be puerco) … from Sedano’s.
You can like this 2012 Cuban a capella ‘Hotel California’ video now
In case you missed it: This is a clip from a 2012 concert that’s been online for over two years and it’s suddenly popular all over again. We think Cuban a capella group Vocal Sampling does a great version of the Eagle’s Hotel California. We’re also pumped it’s finally OK to like Cuba and Cubans and Cuban musicians now. Unless you’re Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio, of course.
What’s in a trend? Google tracks ‘Latino’ and ‘Hispanic’ over time
Hispanic or Latino? This question comes up all the time, and not just during Hispanic Heritage Month, which we insist on calling Latino Heritage Month.
Is there a trend? We asked the Google NGram Viewer to search their big index of published books to see how many times the word “Latino” and the word “Hispanic” were used over time.
Mas…What’s in a trend? Google tracks ‘Latino’ and ‘Hispanic’ over time
One Canadian’s Opinion: Sen. Ted Cruz for President (video)
Cuban-Canadian-American Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is the best man for the next President of the United States, you Yankee hosers. With Sarah Palin as VP.
Mas…One Canadian’s Opinion: Sen. Ted Cruz for President (video)
Who is America’s Next Serial Killer? Jesus from Cuba? (NSFW video)
The competition is heating up and Americans are glued to their big screen TVs to see who will be America’s Next Serial Killer. We’re betting on Jesus Marin. [NSFW adult language.]
Latinos in Hollywood? First of all, who are these so-called ‘Latinos?’
In the POCHO article, he says this: “One more time, what do we need to do? BUILD OUR OWN MARKETPLACE!”
Here’s my take: It won’t work. It simply will not work. Why? Because the so-called “Latino” experience cannot be compared to the African-American experience in the United States. The “Latino” experience is different for each of us.
Latinos are culturally diverse. Yawn. Haven’t we heard this a million times already? Yet, it probably hasn’t really sunk in. A Mexican-American story will be different from a Puerto-Rican story, a Dominican story, a Colombian story, etc. It will also be different from a Mexican immigrant story, a Nuyorican story, an Ecuadorian/Irish story. Assimilation changes who we are. Migration changes who we are.
Mas…Latinos in Hollywood? First of all, who are these so-called ‘Latinos?’
Pocho Ocho things about the USA that surprise Cuban defectors
Cuban ballet dancers who recently defected from their troupe in Mexico and now live in Miami are “amazed at how many foods come canned and can be easily heated up in a microwave,” according to the Associated Press.
Canned foods! But wait, there’s mas. Here are the Pocho Ocho other things about the U.S. that also surprised our new island immigrants:
8. Studebaker, DeSoto, Willys and Nash are out of the automobile business
7. America’s most famous Cuban? Mark Cuban
6. Fidel is a sofa bed mogul and Che sells t-shirts
Mas…Pocho Ocho things about the USA that surprise Cuban defectors
Princeton Study: Majority of Mexicans don’t know how to dance salsa
(PNS reporting from PRINCETON) A study from Princeton University has confirmed what many have long believed: Mexicans, and Mexican Americans, do not actually know how to dance to salsa music.
A Caribbean Hispanic export, salsa is often included with more typically Mexican dance styles, like the quebradita or cumbia, but the truth, according to the study, is that Mexicans don’t actually know what they are doing.
“Salsa is, like, a Cuban thing. My family is from Denver,” one research subject complained.
“Participants in the study reported anxiety and cluelessness when attending quinceañeras and hearing Elvis Crespo or Celia Cruz music playing,” said cultural anthropology professor Dr. Anton Flemming, who was the lead researcher on the project.
Mas…Princeton Study: Majority of Mexicans don’t know how to dance salsa
Secada emerges from the ground after 17 years
(PNS reporting from PHILADELPHIA) American singer Jon Secada has begun to crawl out of the ground in the Mid-Atlantic area.
The now 50-year-old Secada reemerges every 13 or 17 years somewhere in the eastern half of the United States.
The last time Cuban-born Secada went underground was in 1996, two years after releasing Heart, Soul and a Voice. During his absence he somehow managed to quietly release two greatest hit albums and two Christmas albums, both in English and Spanish.
After re-emerging, Jon Secada typically sheds his crunchy brown exoskeleton and will spend a few weeks of adulthood mating and laying eggs in tree branches. He will also release yet another greatest hits or holiday-themed collection, definitely in Spanish.
Pocho Ocho reasons GOP Sen. Marco Rubio drank so much water
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FLA) sure drank a lot of Poland Spring® water during his Republican State of the Union rebuttal speech Tuesday night.
Here are the pocho ocho reasons the GOP’s Great Brown Hope was so thirsty:
8. He’s a pinche mojado
7. Global warming
6. He finds this bullshit hard to swallow himself
Mas…Pocho Ocho reasons GOP Sen. Marco Rubio drank so much water
Hello, world: ‘I’m Not Mexican!’ (video)
In 2006, a bunch of people wanted you to know that they were not Mexican, so they made this video. They’re still not Mexican as far as we know and good for them!
- Who/what are you? How do you define yourself?
Chicano? Mexican? Cuban? Boricuan? Latino? Hispanic? What are you?
NBCLatino asked POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz whether he’s a Chicano or Latino or Mexican or Hispanic.
Lalo was commenting on the Pew Hispanic Center survey everybody is talking about:
Nearly four decades after the United States government mandated the use of the terms “Hispanic” or “Latino” to categorize Americans who trace their roots to Spanish-speaking countries, a new nationwide survey of Hispanic adults finds that these terms still haven’t been fully embraced by Hispanics themselves. A majority (51%) say they most often identify themselves by their family’s country of origin; just 24% say they prefer a pan-ethnic label.
Mas…Chicano? Mexican? Cuban? Boricuan? Latino? Hispanic? What are you?
Meet our newest sponsor – RentALatino!
In our ongoing search for advertisers to match our diverse audience, it looks like we have found a winner – a company with deep pockets and its heart in the right place.
POCHO is glad to welcome RentALatino to the echelons of our Premium Sponsors.
To learn how you might qualify for RentALatino‘s latest discounts and see the full message from our sponsor, read on!
Coyote says new crop of ‘Cuban’ migrants are Mexicans

(PNS reporting from LA FLORIDA) The new wave of so-called “Cuban” immigrants washing up on the shores of the Sunshine State are really Mexicanos in disguise, at least according to one coyote.
In an exclusive interview with PNS, people smuggler Chivo Rodriguez says the scheme is already an open secret in Mexico and it’s only a matter of time before the whole country is singing Guantanamera!