Yes, you can do Thanksgiving makeup without ripping off the 566 Federally-recognized American Indian tribes. Sailor J and the Center for American Indian Research & Native Studies explain in this NSFW (F-bomb) video.
Watch: Mexican mom talking sh!t about my makeup (voice over video)
Lessly Tocano loves her mom even though she talks sh!t about her makeup. “GUAU!”
Black History Video: Eddie Murphy stars as Mr. White in ‘White Like Me’
In a Black History Month Especial Report, Eddie Murphy goes undercover to experience life as it’s lived by white Americans.
Mas…Black History Video: Eddie Murphy stars as Mr. White in ‘White Like Me’
White Life: Eddie Murphy is Mr. White for Black History Month (video)
In a Black History Month Especial Report, Eddie Murphy goes undercover to experience life as it’s lived by White Americans.
Day of the Dead M-A-C makeup video has TMI but no skull *UPDATED
* UPDATE #4 1:50 PM PST 11-02-2015: What’s wrong with this picture? [Hint: Got diversity? IG photo via @IncludeLatinos.]
* UPDATE #3 1:25 PM PST 11-01-2015: The rebeldes at Latino Rebels snagged the M-A-C video [in case it gets disappeared], embedded it via DropBox, and you can see it here.
* UPDATE #2 5:08 PM PDT 10-29-2015: The video is still on the M-A-C Facebook page — along with many negative comments. We’re not allowed to embed it, however. No response to our Tweet.
* UPDATE #1 2:12 PM PDT 10-29-2015: Since we published our story overnight, this video has been marked ‘private’ by M-A-C and therefore cannot be viewed. We don’t know if this is a mistake/glitch or something else. We’ve Tweeted M-A-C asking for an explanation.
Marissa Jade Willinsky and M-A-C, the cosmetics company, want to show you how to do your face for Dia de Los Muertos. [UPDATE: THE ORIGINAL LINK TO THE M-A-C SITE HERE ^^^^ USED TO GO TO THE DDLM MAKEUP VIDEO. NOW IT DOESN’T.]
The beautiful Brooklyn native’s makeup tutorial misses the point of the sugar skull look (PRO TIP: Cadaverous skulls don’t wear lipstick), but includes pasted-on somethings around the eyes, which POCHO fan Belen C. B., in a private email, likened to “[pinche] peas in the guacamole.“
Of course, everything ends up smashingly, because “product.” And the TMI — Adderall product placement, anyone?!
It’s hard to beat CUPQUAKE’s mysterious and alluring Dia de Los Muertos sugar skull calavera makeup video, which we first ran in 2012.
We still have two questions:
- What is she wearing?
- And who are those guys in the background?
Mas…Day of the Dead M-A-C makeup video has TMI but no skull *UPDATED
Happy Black History Month: Eddie Murphy is ‘Mr. White’ (video)
What exactly is life like for white Americans in America? Eddie Murphy went undercover to find out.
Mas…Happy Black History Month: Eddie Murphy is ‘Mr. White’ (video)
Black History Video: Eddie Murphy goes undercover as ‘Mr. White’
What exactly is life like for white Americans in America? Eddie Murphy went undercover to find out.
Mas…Black History Video: Eddie Murphy goes undercover as ‘Mr. White’
Mujeres: How to do your hair and makeup like Frida Kahlo (video)
Ooops, we’re being heteronormative with “mujeres” in the headline. Pochas y pochos! You too can have hair and makeup like the esteemed feminist and artist including the iconic monobrow (AKA unibrow) and mustache (AKA bigote.)
Mas…Mujeres: How to do your hair and makeup like Frida Kahlo (video)
Frida Kahlo finally comes to senses, sees cosmetologist (photos)
(PNS reporting from MEXICO, DF) Dead Mexican feminist artist and icon Frida Kahlo has finally come to her senses and visited a cosmetologist here to clean up her act.
Check out the old Frida and compare with the new shiny, happy Frida:
- Grad student realizes lesbian tendencies don’t make her Frida Kahlo
- Pocho Ocho secret items from Frida Kahlo’s closet *not* on display
- Latinas largest donor group for male facial hair transplants
Illustrations via
Breaking: ‘Devious Maids’ producer preps ‘Desperate Tontos’
(PNS reporting from HOLLYWOOD) Television producer Marc Cherry is developing a new series called Desperate Tontos, which is about four white actors donning even whiter makeup to play Native Americans. The series is seen as a comeback attempt following Cherry’s floundering Devious Maids series, which was a disastrous attempt to portray Latinas.
Cherry admits Maids took him a little out of his comfort zone as a writer. “I’m a white guy, and I should write what I know,” said Cherry. “And what I know is how to be a white man pimping other people’s cultures.”
Mas…Breaking: ‘Devious Maids’ producer preps ‘Desperate Tontos’
PNS*Hot*Flash: Chicana frets – winged eyebrows or eyeliner?
(PNS reporting from EAST LOS ANGELES) Veronica Gonzalez has a conundrum: Should she go rockabilly and do winged eyeliner or go chola and do winged eyebrows?
“It’s, like, hard, you know? I’m just trying to keep up with my heritage,” Gonzalez told PNS Wednesday.
Gonzalez said that if she went rockabilly it would not only look cute with her new cats-eye glasses, but she would be able to dress more girly. If she went with the chola eyebrows, then she would have to wear more khaki and that’s just not her color.
Mas…PNS*Hot*Flash: Chicana frets – winged eyebrows or eyeliner?
What a girl’s makeup means: The Chola Eyebrows Edition (video)
Our new friend Aury Martinez is back with an educational video about the art and craft of eye makeup and its role in maintaining group identity while simultaneously celebrating individual personality, and other deep shit like that. (Totally NSFW language.) Aury’s on Twitter.
Your Mitt Romney Spanish TV bronzer makeup tutorial (video)
It’s not easy being brown, as Mitt Romney’s Univision appearance demonstrated. Here’s the right way to get brown with la gente. Attention white people: This is a super idea for that special hot date not to mention Halloween!
Mas…Your Mitt Romney Spanish TV bronzer makeup tutorial (video)
Cupquake’s mysterious and alluring Dia de Los Muertos makeup video
What is she wearing? And who are those dudes in the background?
Adrian Tafoya: My life as an alien (In space, la raza assimilates you)
There are certain situations in Hollywood where as an actor you have to have no shame.
This was one of those times as I stood inside a large curtained-off fitting room wearing only a flesh-colored dance belt, the equivalent of man panties. Well, it is true that actors are a strangely alien tribe which are most unique only in Hollywood. I mean, where else would a Latino wear such a ridiculous contraption?
OK, back to my man panties… Key costumer Kim Thompson enters with a box of silver and black shaded and molded latex pieces twisted into sinewy shapes and a box of safety pins. She hands me a stretchy nylon body suit and says, “Put this on,” not asking, knowing full well that I would welcome a cover-up of my nakedness.
Mas…Adrian Tafoya: My life as an alien (In space, la raza assimilates you)
Pocho Ocho props you need to be a proper Latino

You know, sometimes it’s hard being Latino. You wake up, go about your day, do your business, and then people ask you where your donkey is, or whether your family is from Mexico.
And, you know, it may be that your family has been in the U.S. longer than theirs, or that no one in your family has a moustache, but why burst peoples’ bubbles with inconvenient truths like that?
So here’s a list of the Pocho Ocho indispensable Latino props — for those days that you forget you’re supposed to be a stereotype!
8. Sombrero — Don’t forget your hat, amigo!
7. Moustache — You know it does go with the sombrero, as does the poncho and/or donkey. Wouldn’t want you to leave home without it!