Looking to get lucky on ZOOSK? Fill your dating profile with guacamole!
Looking for love with the dating app ZOOSK? That’s why God created aguacates y guacamole! Members with guacamole in their dating profiles got 142% more inbound messages than other would-be lovers.
“…We analyzed 3,733,185 dating profiles and 364,609,566 first messages to find out how mentioning different foods and food-related phrases changes online daters’ romantic interactions. In addition, we also surveyed over 7,000 singles to get some insight into how food and dating intersect.
Mas…Looking to get lucky on ZOOSK? Fill your dating profile with guacamole!
These are the DOs and DON’Ts of online dating (video)
Can you find true love online? Maybe you can, but there are some things you need to learn first.
Renee Goust live music video: ‘La Cumbia Feminazi’
Brooklyn-based Mexican singer-songwriter Renee Goust wrote La Cumbia Feminazi in response to online abuse suffered by women.
“I’ve considered myself a feminist ever since I learned the actual meaning of the word,” she says:
MashiMachine makes Ecuador’s president say what you want
Check out this web app where you can make a video with the words you put in the mouth of Rafael Correa, the anti-free speech President of Ecuador.
And here he thought he was the only person allowed to say anything without fear of repression. Not on our Internet, amigo.
I’d love to see a Trump version of MashiMachine!
Who knew? La Quirky learns you can buy huaraches online (video)
La Quirky, pocha shopping expert, discovers you can buy huaraches online. Who knew?
Mas…Who knew? La Quirky learns you can buy huaraches online (video)
Abuela with iPad terrorizes area family via Facebook
(PNS reporting from CHICAGO) Rigoberto “Rigo” Chavez, 15, cringed in horror when he logged into Facebook Thursday morning and received a notification that his abuelita had once again commented on his status.
The high school junior had posted a status that read “$waaaag$” and Abuelita replied in ALL CAPS:
The first fitness facility just for Millennials: @#TheGym (video)
Millennials — this means you! Whether you need a fitness regime for your swiping fingers, interval training for Instagram, improved low-impact Twitter technique or advanced aerobic Facebook, you need to be @ #TheGym. Ask about February special prices for Mega-Gigabyte Torrent Training™, Skiing with Skype™, and Building Better Abs with Bitcoin™. Big-ass Facebook – for Mexicans! (NSFW video)
Dating has never been easier — and more Mexican! has the hookups you’ve been waiting for. It’s like a big-ass Facebook — for Mexicans! [NSFW adult language, F-bombs, etc.]
Mas… Big-ass Facebook – for Mexicans! (NSFW video)
Ratch online dating: Because sex feels better than love (NSFW video)
They’re letting anybody fall in love and get married these days! But what if you don’t want a long-term stable, loving, mutually-supportive relationship. Try new Ratch dot com.
Too busy to make new enemies? Try MyNemesis·com (video)
Losing your religion on the Internets and Pocho Ocho other things
The more you use the Internets, the more likely you are to lose your religion, according to a new study.
America is less religious than ever before. The number of Americans who reported no religious affiliation has been growing rapidly, doubling since 1990. That kind of rapid change matches another societal trend — growth in Internet use. The percentage of Americans who say they used the Internet went from nearly zero in 1990 to 87 percent this year.
Now, a detailed data analysis finds the two trends aren’t just related, but that wider Internet use may actually be leading us to lose our religion.
Mas…Losing your religion on the Internets and Pocho Ocho other things
WTF Whopper: Mexicans have it your guey – at Burger King (photo,video)
Need a job? Live near Ephrata, Washington? Burger King has openings for people like you!
Huh? Whopper the fries is going on here? MSN Money reports:
Burger King has apologized after a photo of a billboard at one of its locations went viral.
The photo shows a Burger King billboard in Ephrata, Wash., that reads: “Now hiring. Must be Mexican.” Burger King said the billboard was edited by an angry employee who worked at the location last summer, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports.
Mas…WTF Whopper: Mexicans have it your guey – at Burger King (photo,video)
Pocho ocho most racist things said to Latinas on online dating sites
It’s tough for hermanas out there trying to find love — especially with the anonymity of the online dating world. What makes it even harder for Latinas online is how easy it can be for dudes to be jerks, specifically, racist jerks.
Here’s our list of the top eight racist things said to Latinas in online dating sites:
8. I’ll be your anchor baby.
7. Chupa mi cabra.
6. Our future children won’t speak Spanish, like real Americans.
Mas…Pocho ocho most racist things said to Latinas on online dating sites
It’s a bad day at the office when the ‘Internet Goes Out’ (NSFW video)
It’s more than just a minor irritation for the folks at work when the Internet’s Out. (NSFW language.)
Open until the Mayan Apocalypse on 12/21: The Pocho Store
Hola, it’s me, MR. POCHO, and I just opened The Pocho Store.
Place your order now for thongs, hats, shirts, sweats — all featuring my handsome head — at But be sure order before The End of the World As We Know It — Mayan Apocalypse Doomsday 2012 on December 21. We can’t guarantee delivery if there’s no world to deliver to!
Pocho Ocho Cyber Lunes gift tips are just a clika guey
As long as the boss isn’t looking, today is the day when pochos all over America go holiday gift shopping on the Internets. If you’re not shopping at Lalo Alcaraz’s place, these Pocho Ocho gift tips (with links) will turn your Cyber Lunes from Mission Impossible to Cyber Espace Mission Accomplished:
8. Santa’s Helpers are cool, sure, but so last year! Nalgas Helpers are bringing sexy back (and backs) with their American-made line of butt thong bar stools. When the clear view is the rear view, click on over to order the furniture that will make your family room the “Best of Barrio” for 2012!
Local pochos punk Internet with prom photo gallery prank

A couple of Redondo Beach Union High School pochos punked online photo galleries across America by submitting the same prom picture over and over for inclusion in local listings. 2011 prom photos of Albert Morales and Gabriela Peraza appeared on sites in Florida, New Jersey, Atlanta, and Minnesota among others.
“We just wanted to have the prom pictures to be published and as seen by many people as possible. … Just trying to have fun by remembering good prom memories,” Morales told, which unravelled the hoax last week.
Check out these screenshots of newspaper photo galleries displaying images of the happy couple:
Mas…Local pochos punk Internet with prom photo gallery prank
We’re selling young, mobile pochos! Who’s buying? For how much?

The meme started on a site called MetaFilter: If you are not paying for it, you’re not the customer; you’re the product being sold.
Facebook — free to use — sells you and your friends and your information to advertisers. So does Google and so does Yahoo! When POCHO grows up, we’ll sell your “page views” too — hopefully to multitudes of high-spending advertisers who are appropriate and cool tambien.
This week the online ad world was excited about the latest estimates of the “Latino” marketplace from Nielsen.
Our No Shit Sherlock™ quick summary:
- There are lots of Latino (Hispanic,Mexican,Chicano,Latin-American,Cuban, etc.) people
- Latinos buy many products
- Advertisers spend lots of money online, on TV, in print and over the air to get Latinos to buy their products
- The Latino “market segment” is young, mobile and growing
Peep the surprising stats illustrated by purty graphs from the Nielsen survey:
Mas…We’re selling young, mobile pochos! Who’s buying? For how much?