Mas…La Cucaracha: RIP y QDEP Sacheen Littlefeather (1946-2022)
Pocho Ocho Way Woke Pickup Lines for Valentine’s Day 2020
Love is in the air for Valentine’s Day.
Is there a way for the politically active pocha or pocho, Chicano, Chicana, Chican@ and/or Latinx (Gustavo Arellano calls them “wokosos”) to get lucky AND make the world a better place?
Yes, there is, in our list of the Pocho Ocho Way Woke Pickup Lines you can use for Valentine’s Day:
8. What do we want? A quiet romantic dinner for two! When do we want it? Wednesday night — what do you think — 8-ish?
7. What’s a nice girl like you doing in a MEChA like this?
6. Is that a GMO-free organic sustainably-raised earth-friendly heirloom local family farm non-corporate elote in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Mas…Pocho Ocho Way Woke Pickup Lines for Valentine’s Day 2020
Pocho Ocho top activists’ pickup lines for Valentine’s Day 2018
Love is in the air for Valentine’s Day.
Is there a way for the politically active pocha or pocho, Chicano, Chicana, Chican@ and/or Latinx to get lucky AND make the world a better place?
Yes, there is, in our list of the Pocho Ocho Top Activist Pickup Lines you can use for Valentine’s Day:
8. What do we want? A quiet romantic dinner for two! When do we want it? Wednesday night — what do you think — 8-ish?
7. What’s a nice girl like you doing in a MEChA like this?
6. Is that a GMO-free organic sustainably-raised earth-friendly heirloom local family farm non-corporate elote in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Mas…Pocho Ocho top activists’ pickup lines for Valentine’s Day 2018
Pocho Ocho top activists’ pickup lines for Valentine’s Day 2017
Love is in the air for Valentine’s Day.
Is there a way for the politically active pocha or pocho, Chicano, Chicana, Chican@ and/or Latinx to get lucky AND make the world a better place?
Yes, there is, in our list of the Pocho Ocho top activist pickup lines you can use for Valentine’s Day:
8. What do we want? A quiet romantic dinner for two! When do we want it? Friday night — what do you think — 8-ish?
7. What’s a nice girl like you doing in a MEChA like this?
6. Is that a GMO-free organic sustainably-raised earth-friendly heirloom local family farm non-corporate elote in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Mas…Pocho Ocho top activists’ pickup lines for Valentine’s Day 2017
RIP y QDEP: Ramón ‘Chunky’ Sanchez, pocho hero of San Diego
I was sad to hear that San Diego and Barrio Logan Chicano icon Ramón “Chunky” Sanchez passed away Friday at the age of 65.
Born in 1951 in Blythe, California, Chunky learned to play music from his family, and lived his childhood as a migrant farmworker. He left the farm he worked with his father soon after hearing the owner tell his dad that Chunky would make a great foreman when he was gone.
He decided to go to college, and eventually landed at San Diego State. Chunky and his brother Ricardo’s band Los Alacranes Mojados were a fixture when I was a MEChista at San Diego State; I can’t tell you how many events they played for us and for the entire movimiento.
Mas…RIP y QDEP: Ramón ‘Chunky’ Sanchez, pocho hero of San Diego
Pocho Ocho top activists’ pickup lines for Valentine’s Day
Love is in the air for Valentine’s Day, along with cries for immigration reform, equal economic opportunity and an end to pervasive systemic racism.
Is there a way for the politically active pocha or pocho, Chicano, Chicana, Chican@ and/or Latinx to get lucky AND make the world a better place?
Yes, there is, in our list of the Pocho Ocho top activist pickup lines you can use this Valentine’s Day:
8. What do we want? A quiet romantic dinner for two! When do we want it? Friday night — what do you think — 8-ish?
7. What’s a nice girl like you doing in a MEChA like this?
6. Is that a GMO-free organic sustainably-raised earth-friendly heirloom local family farm non-corporate elote in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Mas…Pocho Ocho top activists’ pickup lines for Valentine’s Day
John Trudell, Native activist and poet, walks on (toon, video)
John Trudell, the activist, artist, actor, and poet who dedicated his life to Native American rights, land and language, walked on December 8. He was 69.
Mas…John Trudell, Native activist and poet, walks on (toon, video)
QDEP/RIP Jose Guerrero, El Maestro de Chicago (toon)
The Chicago Reader shared an excellent obituary of artist Jose Guerrero.
Not your Auntie’s Girl Scouts: Meet Oakland’s Radical Brownies (video)
They’re young, they’re determined and they’re not about the cookies. Meet the newly-organized Radical Brownies of Oakland, CA.
FUSION’s Jorge Rivas explains:
Mas…Not your Auntie’s Girl Scouts: Meet Oakland’s Radical Brownies (video)
Chicano anti-war activist found in Canada after 44 years
(PNS reporting from MONTREAL) A Los Angeles man who had not been heard from since he fled to Canada in 1970 to avoid the Vietnam War draft has been found in Montreal, according to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
When Albert “Sleepy” Dominguez missed the 1970 Chicano Moratorium in Los Angeles, noone knew he had quietly slipped out of the country the night before to go underground and avoid conscription to Vietnam.
Dominguez, then 19 years old, went so underground that neither family, friends nor the U.S. government could locate him to inform him that he was never, in fact, drafted.
Mas…Chicano anti-war activist found in Canada after 44 years
Women’s History Month: Sister Megan Rice (toon)
Megan Gillespie Rice (born January 31, 1930) is an anti-nuclear activist and Roman Catholic nun of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. On February 18, 2014, Rice was sentenced to 35 months in prison for breaking into the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, spray-painting antiwar slogans, and splashing blood on the outside of the heavily-guarded Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility.
Pocho Ocho top activist pickup lines for Valentine’s Day
Love is in the air for Valentine’s Day, along with cries for immigration reform, economic fairness and equal justice.
Is there a way for the politically active pocha or pocho to get lucky AND make the world a better place?
Yes, there is! Check out our list of the Pocho Ocho top activist pickup lines you can use this Valentine’s Day:
8. What do we want? A quiet romantic dinner for two! When do we want it? Friday night — what do you think — 8-ish?
7. What’s a nice girl like you doing in a MEChA like this?
6. Is that a GMO-free organic sustainably-raised earth-friendly heirloom local family farm non-corporate elote in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Mas…Pocho Ocho top activist pickup lines for Valentine’s Day
Your childhood cartoon heroes — where are they now? (toons)
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So, a couple of weeks ago, there was this link going around that depicts certain 90s cartoon characters “taking on” New York fashion week in trendy outfits. Among them are Lisa Simpson and Daria. When I saw this, the first thing I thought was, Ugh. Lisa Simpson, proud feminist with so much to say about gender roles, body shaming and capitalism, drawn in this hyper-thin, rich girl way? Why, baby Jesus? Why? My friends had the same question, plus not-so-thrilled reactions to Daria. You know Daria, who once said, …”edgy” occurs when middle-brow, middle-aged profiteers are looking to suck the energy–not to mention spending money–out of the “youth culture”? Yep, that Daria is depicted in overpriced clothes, standing in front of a Mercedes dealership. Yuck.
Mas…Your childhood cartoon heroes — where are they now? (toons)
Chicana activist joins EZLN movement
(PNS reporting from NEW JACK CITY) A local activist is excited about throwing her support behind a movement in Southern Mexico she recently read about on Facebook: the EZLN.
Pilar Morales (photo) said she saw a post on her friend Daisy’s Facebook wall about a new band called Rage Against the Machine which talked about the movement.
When the Spanish Harlem resident Googled it, she said she felt like she’d finally found a cause she could really support.
“I totally get this. They are just, like, fighting for their rights and the government is oppressing them!” Morales told PNS. “It’s just not fair.”
Ñewsweek: Latina’s lament, Jean Naté returns, video editor fired
In East L.A., activist Vanessa “Coyolxauhqui” García had a sad and broke down crying at a community meeting right before the end of the year. Garcia was distraught at the gap between her aspirations and the sad state of the world.
In the San Fernando Valley, adult video editor Roberto Mendoza faced an uncertain future after being fired for browsing Internet spreadsheets at work.
And in New Jersey, a bottle of Jean Naté was regifted to its original gifter 19 years after its purchase at Rexall.
In the final year of the Mayan Apocalypse, the Year of the Chancla, these stories broke the ñews on POCHO:
Mas…Ñewsweek: Latina’s lament, Jean Naté returns, video editor fired
Local Latina activist tearfully faces reality: ‘I can’t save the world’
(PNS reporting from EAST LOS) Vanessa “Coyolxauhqui” García (photo, right) underwent a nervous breakdown at the Boyle Heights Community Development Council’s final 2012 meeting Wednesday night.
After several snotty tissues, García faced up to the vast distance between her dreams and reality.
“I can’t save the world! I can barely save myself!” she cried, wiping her tears on the sleeve of the Mexican peasant blouse she bought on her second trip to Chiapas in ’97.
“I’m, like, trying here. I just want to give back to my community, but it’s hard, you know? Not everyone is as dedicated to la causa as I am.”
Mas…Local Latina activist tearfully faces reality: ‘I can’t save the world’
Student activist confesses: ‘I’m actually mestizo, not indígena’
(PNS reporting from SAN JOSE) Johnny Ramírez had a huge confession to make to his Pre-Columbian Latin American history class last week. The summer he spent in Barcelona really changed him, the San Jose State junior told his fellow students during section.
“I always felt this pressure to be true to my indígena Aztec roots, you know? Even though me — and well my parents and grandparents, too — were all born right here in California, I always wanted to honor my family’s real roots,” the well-known Latino campus activist said. (Ramirez, right, was photographed at an immigrants’ rights march last May Day.)
When he was in Barcelona, he said, he realized that he had Spanish blood, too, and it wasn’t something to be ashamed of — but proud. He has a cousin, Juanita, who has hazel eyes, so obviously his family has Spanish blood, too.
Mas…Student activist confesses: ‘I’m actually mestizo, not indígena’
‘La Cucaracha’ salutes Hollywood great Lupe Ontiveros (toon)
I drew this tribute obituary comic strip for the great actress and activist Lupe Ontiveros, who passed away on July 26. In this strip, Vero, Eddie and Cuco send off Lupe as she appears before her Hollywood Walk of Fame star in the sky. Lupe was a one-of-a-kind soul who brought lots of joy to many.
This image was displayed at her rosary and wake.
Read more about Lupe here, and see more La Cucaracha comics at Go Comics.
La Chata’s Music Box: Outernational ‘The Beginning Is Here’ (video)
La Chata’s Music Box presents spankin’-good Spanglish ska from Outernational – The Beginning Is Here, the first video from the activist New York collective’s latest CD (Todos Somos Ilegales We are All Illegal.) (NSFW lyrics.) The title track video (with special guest stars!) is right here, and the band is on the Pocho Hour of Power today at 4PM PDT on KPFK.